Ryan said that working for Chipotle would be his dream job, except for the fact that he'd get fired right away because of "instead of selling....I'D BE PIGGIN'!!"
Hello Everyone,
How's it been? Things have been going pretty well, just adjusting to the new apartment, riding a bike (wearing a helmet too, jee helmets I never knew how dumb helmets looked), getting use to my new companion so it's been a big change from last transfer. I'm glad that your getting my letters, for some reason I always pick the bi-polar computers that are dumb but atleast there's the good ol' postal service! So how's everything back in Missouri anything exciting happening? Nothing much here I feel like I don't have any real good stories but I'll tell you about a woman that we've been seeing. Her name is Ramona, we taught her when Elder Law and I were companions and she was really nice but didn't think that she would go anywhere, we just thought that she was being nice to us. So anyways, Elder Morales my new comp. and I have been seeing her every week and she's made some huge strides! We met with her one day and I had the feeling to share 2 Nephi 31 with her so we did and she started to tear up and said "This book, this chapter was made for me, I know it's true, I've prayed about this and I'm going to get baptized." To hear this from her was nothing short of a miracle. She's been going through alot of struggles with her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend so things haven't been going to well so she said that our timing, our message is perfect. We were sooo stoked after we heard that, so when we went back we shared Alma 32 that speaks about the parable of the seed, and once again she said "this is for me, this was written for my eyes." Such a blessing it is to see the Spirit enter in to a heart of a person, there's nothing more powerful than a person who finds out that the church is the true gospel of Christ. Almost makes me want to cry. So it's been a really good week. Progression is wonderful to see.
Oh while I'm thinking of it so I don't forget could you (if you can find it) send me the flash drive that I had for school, or in non-technilogical terms the memory holder thingy, that'll probably make more sense to you. What I'm gonna do is transfer my pics onto that so A.) I don't have to delete the pics off my memory and B.) I won't have to go buy a new memory card. So if you could find that, that would be awesome!
Oh how's the temple going in Kansas City? Have they broke ground yet or anything? What's the good word? I kind of hope they delay it a little bit so i can go to the open house! Speaking of temple I got to go again last week! I don't know if I told you that in my last letter but it was awesome. Once again. That's all.
How's the Kearney football team doing by the way? Football's crazy out here! There seriously is no one out on the streets because of the Chargers and the football games. All the missionaries dread football season becuase no one will talk to us or do anything because they're so wrapped up in fooseball. Gay but not suprising. How are the Chiefs doing too? As long as they win at least one then it's been a good year!
There's really not much going on in El Cajon alls we do is work work work but it's going pretty fair. Funny story actually, there's alot of Jehovah's Witnesses out here so we get to deal with them alot and their die-hard believers and I guess it was all over the news but a Jehovah's Witness Priest or something hi-jacked a plane so when ever we're talking to someone whose Jehovah's Witness we just manage to slip that into the conversation.
Eating's going good, do I look really skinny in my pictures or something? Both you and Whitney have said something along the lines on if I'm eating enough. Don't worry this boy gets his fill, especially at members houses (they're a little too generous at times) but I think it's just from not working-out that I look way skinny. I went out and bought me a pull-up bar to stick in the doorway so hopefully I can get back to where I was. Clothes are good too, laundry's sweet because we have our own washer and dryer so if I ever need something washed I just make my companion do it then. I'm diggin our compaionship. Spanish is going pretty rough though. It's at the point where I'm so frustrated because my Spanish is limited that I just want to learn it all in a day. I'm usually pretty patient and I know it's going to take some time but French it stinks sometimes to not know the language but I'm not complainin, just workin.
It's crazy that we have 8 missionaries from our ward! I didn't think that we had that many! Let's see there's Yours truely, Barry, Troy, Chauncey, the Simpson girl, Brian, another boy I can't remember his name, but whose the other? That's soo cool though. Hopefully there will be more coming up thanks to your mission prep class for the deacons Dad! It's really neat to be around so many missionaries! Weird at sometimes but very neat.
If there's any advice I have for this week it's just to smile. Smile during everything. Smile when you're going to work, smile when you wake up, smile when you get mustard on your shirt, just smile :) "Nothing is ever as bad as it seems." It will make a difference. I promise you!
Welp family I hope and pray that you have a good week! And that you smile every chance you get! I love you all sooo very much and appreciate ALL of you too! Take care and don't forget to smile! :)
With all my love,