Hey everyone!
How’s it goin? Welp I’ve realized looking over my emails over the past months that they just seem to get increasingly smaller and smaller….before too long it’s just gonna be a hi and bye and that’s that ha…not really but when you’ve been writing emails for 50 some odd weeks or so everything starts to sound the same…and when you do the same thing for 50 some odd weeks everything is the same…..workin hard, havin fun, lovin life. I honestly don’t know how people write books…it’s ridiculous but seriously everything’s goin good! Transfers are already coming back up, it’s been crazy that it’s already been 6 weeks since I’ve got here in Chula Vista….time’s just been goin by way too fast but I guess that’s part of it…part of life…I honestly don’t know what’s gonna happen with transfers…I don’t know what’s gonna happen with my companion and I but we kind of got a hint that he’s gonna take off but who knows. President Donaldson has been moving the Spanish work along pretty rapidly though…. I think the general authorities are pushin for San Diego to be one of the vocal points for the church so there have been a few branches going up down here and this transfer they’re bringing in I think 17 Spanish missionaries…that’s a huge group coming in…when my group came out there was only 9 of us and that was Spanish and English combined so if that kind of paints a picture. “The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; … the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.” It’s definitely moving that way and it’s inevitable…things are happening at such a rapid rate before too long it’s gonna be hard to keep up...President Donaldson was also speaking about how China is gonna open up to missionary work before too long and that the missions, membership, everything is going to double within the span of a few decades…crazy but here starts here and now, little by little and how grateful I am to make probably not even the tiniest of a fraction of a difference…but all in all it’s rollin… It’s been such a blessing to be here…that’s probably the best word to describe it is just one big blessing. Love my Savior and I love this gospel…It’s something that I’ve never felt anything like it in my life and it’s something that I’ll probably never quite feel again so I’m eating it up as much as I can… and I know without a doubt it’s true...you just can’t explain these feelings…it’s crazy… I probably sound like an idiot who has no idea what he’s talking about but that’s how it is…the joy is indescribable…and the blessings and feelings are eternal and I’m grateful for it.
Have a good week and I will talk with you on the flip-flop!
-Elder Ryan Lawter