Hey everyone,
How's it going? Not a whole lot here except HOT HOT HOT....ridiculous! I
think the Lord sent me here to NOT be in that kind of weather because I
would do just this...complain complain complain....na I don't mind it too
much the only thing is that everyone else does and so no one walks out on
the streets during the day and it's just like a deserted place...and it
sucks too because in the area that I just got into we need to find as many
new investigators as possible because it's lacking but everything's still
going good...we have a family of 5 that's going to be baptized here in the
coming weeks so we're way stoked about that but we still need more and more
people to follow them as well this area's good though part of it's ghetto
and trashy and the other part is way nice, clean, with a bunch of nice
houses....guess what area we spend 99% of our time in....man I love it! News
wise.....nothing huge...i ate a baby duck last week at some filipino's house
ha it was nasty but worth it...I got a video that I'll have to send home by
cd then mom and dad can show you all but yea that's probably the sickest
event that's out of the ordinary.
Last week I came across this amazing talk and I just wanted to share part of
it real quick before i get off here.
The talk was given by an Elder Dunn of the seventy in the 80's and he said:
"Some time ago I watched a soccer game in which the favored team, the Lions,
was expected to beat the Pumas, a team that hadn’t done very well during the
season. The two teams had played against each other earlier in the year, and
the Pumas had been badly beaten. Everyone expected this particular game to
be the same, although fan support was about evenly divided between the two
teams. But then an incident on the field involving two players seemed to
turn the crowd against the Lions. From that point on, more than 15,000 fans
excitedly cheered the Pumas to a winning score.
A cheering section can make a difference in life. As you watch professional
sports, you can almost be assured that the home team will do well. Brazil
has a soccer team that almost never loses when it is playing at home. The
reason? Maracana Stadium in Brazil holds more than 220,000 fans who noisily
yell their support at every game.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have that kind of cheering section when you feel like
you are not winning in life? How would it feel to know that it really
matters to somebody whether you win or lose, whether you shine in victory or
retreat in defeat?
I bear you my solemn witness that each one of us has a cheering section,
both seen and unseen. There are those who want us to succeed. We may
sometimes doubt it, but it is true nevertheless. There are those we see:
parents, children, brothers, sisters, relatives, teachers, friends. But
there are also those who are unseen who care and are cheering for us:
heavenly parents, loved ones who have gone before us, those who are yet to
come. They want us to succeed.
There *are* those who continue to care, whether here or on the other side of
this earthly veil. Of that I am sure! Even when you feel all alone, there
are those who are cheering for you."
Amazing huh!? and that's kind of what I wanted all of you to know who are
reading this....because if you are reading this you are part of my own
personal cheering section and I just wanted to thank all of you for the love
and support weather it be through letters, emails, or even prayers...I know
that you are all supporting me and backing me up every step of the way and
I've felt that behind me since day one. Love you all and thank you for
everything!!! Have a good week and God Bless.