Let me be short and clear on this one:
I know that Jesus is the Christ. He came down from His divine throne to laydown His life to save us all...not only that we'll live again but also thatwe'll have strength and support through all of our trials, our tribulations,our sicknesses, and infirmities....it's all covered.I know that with out a doubt that this is His church that werepresent...directed by Him, guided by Him, watched over by Him. I know thatJoseph Smith restored His church and like all prophets "by their fruits youwill know them." That being the Book of Mormon just as the Bible they aretrue and just as any spiritual truth one must read it, ponder it with asincere heart not to prove that it's wrong but to find out if it's right,then pray about it and ask God if it really is His word. No other book do Iknow of that offers such an invitation and such a change of life too. It'sall true. People are gonna say what they're gonna say but the fact of thematter is it's true and nothing will stop the work like the stone that wascut out of the mountain without hands. I'm a witness of it all. This is whatheals the broken heart and soothes the lost soul. I can only hope that thatsinks in to everyones heart and really speaks to them as it has to me. Iknow this to be true with all my heart. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.One love family take care and be safe,
Elder Ryan Lawter.
"It almost cant be real that its comin to an end
The feeling's almost like Im losing my best friend
The places I've been the people I've met
Is something that I truly will never forget
Gettin doors slammed in my face and everyone saying no
It'll probably be weird to hear this but I don't wanna let that go
So I really do consider myself a lucky man
Whether they wanted to hear it or not to share God's eternal plan
So let's do this thing and wipe away those tears
Cuz I thank God everyday for these "Best Two Years"