New Year, new swagga,
So how was everyone’s Christmas this year? Mine was really good, especially with a couple of baptisms on Christmas Eve! The two girls that I was talking about last week; Paloma and Raquel, well everything was perfect and they were baptized by their brother one after the other. It was a really sweet experience and a really sweet day, the spirit was so strong at the baptism, I love it! Most of their family was there to watch them get baptized and we talked to a few of them and they said that they’re interested in having us come over and teach them more! Just to see the Spirit of the Lord move people, is truly a miracle and I’m so grateful to be able to see it day in and day out. So after the baptism, all the missionaries in the branch that I’m serving in went caroling to a few of our investigators home and even to President Donaldson’s home so Christmas Eve was a really good day for me and Christmas was even better. Let’s see… Christmas morning a few of us missionaries woke up and hiked Mt. Cowles, which was weird because there were so many people up on the mountain that day, guess it’s just the thing to do on Christmas morning but we got to watch the sun come up over the valley and the ocean and that’s always a really cool thing to watch. Then after we got done hiking Elder Morales and I got cleaned up and went to the Branch President’s home for a Christmas breakfast, which was really nice to be in a nice cozy home, in a just a picture perfect family setting for a change. It’s been so long since I’ve been in an actual house so it was really but then after that, went to Martin’s stole his phone for a “bit” and the rest is history. So overall, not the Christmas that I’m used to but it still wasn’t too shabby. It really made me appreciate being home for the holidays and just being around family, it’s humbling being out here because you take a step away from all the family, friends, being together especially around this time and you see the true need for these so very important people in your life, it’s not a want but a need. I not only saw in myself but I also saw it in the faces of people walking alone on the streets. I had a cool experience, kind of sad too but it was a neat one… I’ll kind of briefly summarize it cuz I don’t have too much time but the Tuesday night before Christmas, Elder Morales and I were walking to an appointment and it was around 8 o’clock but we were walking in downtown El Cajon and I saw this man a few hundred feet in front of us and my initial thought was “Oh great, he’s gonna make fun of us or yell at us or do something like that,” but the closer we got the man who had kind of a limp and a hunchback started walking towards us. So we kept walking and he came up to us with a hand full of change and said with the kindest voice, “sirs would you like to go to Starbucks and get a cup of coffee with me or something,” and I told him politely, no because we had an appointment to go to, then he asked Elder Morales and he said no and after we said that, I guess the man felt bad for bothering us and apologized to us and told us bye. So the further we walked the more and more I had a feeling to go back, so I finally told Elder Morales that we needed to go back so we did and we looked….and looked….and looked for this man and he was nowhere to be found. We walked for about thirty minutes looking for this guy and it got to the point where I said, “he’s long gone, let’s just head on to our appointment,” and right at the time, your typical missionary moment happened, we turned the corner and there was that man, just kind of wondering around looking all lost. So we walked up to him and told him that we’d like to take him up on his offer but instead I offered to take him to Quiznos for a sub and just the huge smile and shock on his face was really heartwarming. So we took him in and the whole time he kept asking me “really sir? Really? Thank you sir. Thank you.” And we just sat there for the longest time talking about his life and just about anything and everything in between. He had kind of a speech impediment, his clothes stunk, he looked liked he hadn’t showered or shaved in a year but we paid attention to him and made him feel like he was the most important person to us, which he was at that time, he had no idea that Christmas was even close to be coming and just didn’t know anything really what was going on anywhere but he was smiling and laughing the whole time, I told him some funny stories, gave him a Book of Mormon, talked to him a little bit about the Restoration and the gospel and that was that, then we left and went on our way. I probably will never see him again but I don’t think either one of us will forget that experience. It was just a cool thing that happened to Elder Morales and I and I think us coming in contact with him was more of a blessing for us than it was for him. It just showed us that we need each other. There are people out there who have nothing or nobody and they’re hurting and they need us. It’s the love of Christ, it’s not sufficient enough that we carry it with us but we need to spread it as well, “men are that they might have joy.” It’s been the coolest Christmas experience, sure I missed being home a TON but I’ll be home for Christmas every year after this next one, you only get two mission Christmas’ and they truly are awesome. So that was my Christmas in a nut shell but I hope that everyone had a good time with their families and their friends, that’s what Christmas is all about so I hope it was good! Wow this email was long…thanks for reading on but I’ve gotta run! I hope that you all have a good week this up coming week and a safe one too with New Years coming up! Let’s get a new swagga with the New Year and make it a really good one! I love you all and pray for you always! Have an awesome possum week!
Much love,
Elder Ryan Lawter
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Feliz Navidad!
Well it’s that time again! E-mailonday!! How’s everything going with the holidays?? Well Elder Morales and I received probably one of the greatest gifts that we could get this Christmas as missionaries; we have a baptism on Christmas Eve!!! 2 of them actually! They’re both sisters, the youngest who for sure is getting baptized Thursday, her name is Paloma (which means dove in Spanish) and the older, her name Raquel (which means Rachel in Spanish) but I think what gets me the most about this baptism is Paloma and her joy and excitement to get baptized. They’ve been taught for a few years and they’ve wanted to get baptized for like 2 years but their mom wouldn’t allow it, so just recently Paloma was sick and she wanted a blessing, so she got a blessing and after her blessing, her mom was in the room and she said that she felt the spirit so strongly and she said that it was ok for Paloma and Raquel to get baptized. And to see just the sheer joy on Paloma’s face when we were planning out her baptism and everything is just incredible! She’s already talking about going to the temple to do baptism really soon and to even go on a mission! She’s only 18 and she kind of bummed that she has to wait 3 more years until she can serve a mission. It just warms my heart to see what the gospel does for people in their lives and the joy that it brings to everyone and also to see the Spirit of the Lord work on people and change their hearts, it took a long time but it happened. So that’s going to be a good start to Christmas Eve and Christmas is those two baptisms! We’re so stoked!!
So mom and dad the 12 days of Christmas thing was a sweet idea! Thanks! But I kind of have a confession to make……I maybe…..kind of…..well sorta…..just by accident….not on purpose…..OK I OPENED ONE PREMATURELY!!! So at night believe it or not it gets freezing here and alls I have for warmth is a few sheets, a t-shirt, shorts, and breath, I swear I’m gonna turn into an egg because every morning that’s how I find myself waking up, so you know me I tried to guess what every present is, so far 5/8 not too shabby I might add but I saw I think it was day 11 where the riddle was talking about sleeping warm or something like that…and it was like an answer to my prayers!!! So I ripped that baby open and it was exactly what I thought it was….pajama pants!!! So yea I’m a naughty boy for opening a gift up early but now I sleep like a baby awww nice and cozzzzzzey! It’s nice! So yea that my confession but you must have read my mind of what I wanted because everything that I’ve got so far has been something that I’ve wanted some time or another out here! So you two bad, you bad.
Welp I’ve gotta run… Lots ta do with nots a lots of time!!! So I hope that you all have the very best Christmas ever!!! Oh and If you have time on there a few new mormon messages that are really good that everyone should check out!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!!
Love you all lots, with all my heart,
Elder Ryan Phillip Lawter
Well it’s that time again! E-mailonday!! How’s everything going with the holidays?? Well Elder Morales and I received probably one of the greatest gifts that we could get this Christmas as missionaries; we have a baptism on Christmas Eve!!! 2 of them actually! They’re both sisters, the youngest who for sure is getting baptized Thursday, her name is Paloma (which means dove in Spanish) and the older, her name Raquel (which means Rachel in Spanish) but I think what gets me the most about this baptism is Paloma and her joy and excitement to get baptized. They’ve been taught for a few years and they’ve wanted to get baptized for like 2 years but their mom wouldn’t allow it, so just recently Paloma was sick and she wanted a blessing, so she got a blessing and after her blessing, her mom was in the room and she said that she felt the spirit so strongly and she said that it was ok for Paloma and Raquel to get baptized. And to see just the sheer joy on Paloma’s face when we were planning out her baptism and everything is just incredible! She’s already talking about going to the temple to do baptism really soon and to even go on a mission! She’s only 18 and she kind of bummed that she has to wait 3 more years until she can serve a mission. It just warms my heart to see what the gospel does for people in their lives and the joy that it brings to everyone and also to see the Spirit of the Lord work on people and change their hearts, it took a long time but it happened. So that’s going to be a good start to Christmas Eve and Christmas is those two baptisms! We’re so stoked!!
So mom and dad the 12 days of Christmas thing was a sweet idea! Thanks! But I kind of have a confession to make……I maybe…..kind of…..well sorta…..just by accident….not on purpose…..OK I OPENED ONE PREMATURELY!!! So at night believe it or not it gets freezing here and alls I have for warmth is a few sheets, a t-shirt, shorts, and breath, I swear I’m gonna turn into an egg because every morning that’s how I find myself waking up, so you know me I tried to guess what every present is, so far 5/8 not too shabby I might add but I saw I think it was day 11 where the riddle was talking about sleeping warm or something like that…and it was like an answer to my prayers!!! So I ripped that baby open and it was exactly what I thought it was….pajama pants!!! So yea I’m a naughty boy for opening a gift up early but now I sleep like a baby awww nice and cozzzzzzey! It’s nice! So yea that my confession but you must have read my mind of what I wanted because everything that I’ve got so far has been something that I’ve wanted some time or another out here! So you two bad, you bad.
Welp I’ve gotta run… Lots ta do with nots a lots of time!!! So I hope that you all have the very best Christmas ever!!! Oh and If you have time on there a few new mormon messages that are really good that everyone should check out!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!!
Love you all lots, with all my heart,
Elder Ryan Phillip Lawter
Monday, December 14, 2009
Ho Ho Hooooooly Canonli what a week it’s been!
So this past week for starters we have had what we call the MTE, which stands for Missionary Training Exchanges and through this whole week we’ve had another missionary come out with us and coach us on various things that a general authority taught them in a meeting a few weeks ago, so it’s kinda like footballs “hell week” during summer training for us but it has been such an amazing experience and I think it’s given a lot of the missionaries a new outlook on missionary work as well as the members too! The San Diego mission is the only mission doing this MTE because we’re kind of like the guinea pig mission, meaning we try out all the ideas that the general authorities have revelation on in Salt Lake and they give it to us to try out and work out all the kinks. The whole MTE thing worked out though and this mission is slowly starting to turn into the mission that president and all of us have envisioned. So probably within the next few months to a year all the missions worldwide will be doing the MTE program every other transfer instead of zone conferences and interviews.
So kind of a brief overview of what it’s all about is it puts focus on missionaries to work with more with the members, focus more on planning and practicing more effectively for our investigators, and has us focus always on our purpose which is to “Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.” So we’re always on duty. Those are the main things that were stressed in our training this past week, kind of seems simple right? But there was so much more depth to it and so much more work. It’s been a stressful past few weeks but it’s been a good stress and we’ve seen tons of blessings in El Cajon and in our mission. We have found a few investigators that are just so very prepared to receive the gospel and all of it’s blessings, past investigators that we’ve stopped by have found a new drive and want to improve, and investigators that we currently have that have been a little than less productive in their commitments are finding life and joy in church, in the Book of Mormon, and in praying. Dang I’m just overwhelmed about how many just amazing things are taking place right before my eyes! It’s incredible! I just wish I could tell you in words instead of a letter…..oh wait!.....yea hmmmm I think that we have a phone date in like 11 days from now! Oh baby! I can’t wait fo dat! You might want to get comfortable because 6 months of boggled up things I have to say just gotta explode sometime or another!
Oh btw are you serious that the Christiansen boy is home!!! That’s nutso Lewis! I remember sitting in sacrament when he was giving his farewell! I gotta admit that time is picking up for me too, I don’t know about you all but it just seems to keep going faster and faster and faster…. 6 months already! ¼ of the way home! Speaking of home, Elder Ulrich goes home in a couple of weeks… I’m really gonna miss that guy. I don’t think there’s a missionary out here that I respect more than that man… He’s been my best friend out here and just an awesome role-model, I guess it’s just crazy for me to think that he’s goin home! It’ll be here before you know it and debe debe debe that’ll be all folks for me! But I’m happy where I’m… I’m happy to be in El Cajon, I’m happy to work with people, to help people, I’m happy to be in the service of our Lord and to carry the armor of Heleman, I guess I’m just a happy guy! I love it! Love where you’re at in life. Love the car that breaks down, love the cat that jumps on the couch, love the computer that doesn’t work (aka dude sitting next to me, I think he’s about to drop-kick the computer haha), love the people that cut you off on the highway, love the time in your life, love what you have, but most importantly love WHO you have. It’s one of the greatest blessings that Heavenly Father has given us is our family and friends and the potential to be with them forever through blessings of the temple and the restored gospel. Now’s the time that those in whom we hold so dear, we need to hold closer and those in whom who are so distant we need to bring closer. So reach out, touch a life who is longing to be touched and love a person who is longing to be loved. As the Christmas season draws closer and closer so do we as a people need to grow closer and closer to all of our brothers and sisters in this world. We need them just as much as they need us. So love one another as you have been loved and I think we will then figure out the true meaning of Christmas and have just a glimpse of the love that our Savior has for us all.
I love you all so dear and hope for the best Christmas week eve ever!!!
Venga lo que venga y ama lo. – Come what may and love it.
Much love!
Elder Ryan Lawter
Aka the man
So this past week for starters we have had what we call the MTE, which stands for Missionary Training Exchanges and through this whole week we’ve had another missionary come out with us and coach us on various things that a general authority taught them in a meeting a few weeks ago, so it’s kinda like footballs “hell week” during summer training for us but it has been such an amazing experience and I think it’s given a lot of the missionaries a new outlook on missionary work as well as the members too! The San Diego mission is the only mission doing this MTE because we’re kind of like the guinea pig mission, meaning we try out all the ideas that the general authorities have revelation on in Salt Lake and they give it to us to try out and work out all the kinks. The whole MTE thing worked out though and this mission is slowly starting to turn into the mission that president and all of us have envisioned. So probably within the next few months to a year all the missions worldwide will be doing the MTE program every other transfer instead of zone conferences and interviews.
So kind of a brief overview of what it’s all about is it puts focus on missionaries to work with more with the members, focus more on planning and practicing more effectively for our investigators, and has us focus always on our purpose which is to “Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.” So we’re always on duty. Those are the main things that were stressed in our training this past week, kind of seems simple right? But there was so much more depth to it and so much more work. It’s been a stressful past few weeks but it’s been a good stress and we’ve seen tons of blessings in El Cajon and in our mission. We have found a few investigators that are just so very prepared to receive the gospel and all of it’s blessings, past investigators that we’ve stopped by have found a new drive and want to improve, and investigators that we currently have that have been a little than less productive in their commitments are finding life and joy in church, in the Book of Mormon, and in praying. Dang I’m just overwhelmed about how many just amazing things are taking place right before my eyes! It’s incredible! I just wish I could tell you in words instead of a letter…..oh wait!.....yea hmmmm I think that we have a phone date in like 11 days from now! Oh baby! I can’t wait fo dat! You might want to get comfortable because 6 months of boggled up things I have to say just gotta explode sometime or another!
Oh btw are you serious that the Christiansen boy is home!!! That’s nutso Lewis! I remember sitting in sacrament when he was giving his farewell! I gotta admit that time is picking up for me too, I don’t know about you all but it just seems to keep going faster and faster and faster…. 6 months already! ¼ of the way home! Speaking of home, Elder Ulrich goes home in a couple of weeks… I’m really gonna miss that guy. I don’t think there’s a missionary out here that I respect more than that man… He’s been my best friend out here and just an awesome role-model, I guess it’s just crazy for me to think that he’s goin home! It’ll be here before you know it and debe debe debe that’ll be all folks for me! But I’m happy where I’m… I’m happy to be in El Cajon, I’m happy to work with people, to help people, I’m happy to be in the service of our Lord and to carry the armor of Heleman, I guess I’m just a happy guy! I love it! Love where you’re at in life. Love the car that breaks down, love the cat that jumps on the couch, love the computer that doesn’t work (aka dude sitting next to me, I think he’s about to drop-kick the computer haha), love the people that cut you off on the highway, love the time in your life, love what you have, but most importantly love WHO you have. It’s one of the greatest blessings that Heavenly Father has given us is our family and friends and the potential to be with them forever through blessings of the temple and the restored gospel. Now’s the time that those in whom we hold so dear, we need to hold closer and those in whom who are so distant we need to bring closer. So reach out, touch a life who is longing to be touched and love a person who is longing to be loved. As the Christmas season draws closer and closer so do we as a people need to grow closer and closer to all of our brothers and sisters in this world. We need them just as much as they need us. So love one another as you have been loved and I think we will then figure out the true meaning of Christmas and have just a glimpse of the love that our Savior has for us all.
I love you all so dear and hope for the best Christmas week eve ever!!!
Venga lo que venga y ama lo. – Come what may and love it.
Much love!
Elder Ryan Lawter
Aka the man
Monday, December 7, 2009
Merry CHRISTmas!
To my wham bam fam,
What’s new and coo? So it’s rainy and 50 degrees here in El Cajon as we speak….B...E…A…UTIFUL winter weather! It’s was so weird not to wake up to sunshine this morning but I’m not complaining…. I like the rainy lazy banana pancake days when I can get em… especially on P-days where I can relax and stay inside! Today I think Elder Ulrich and I are going to make a trip down to Chula Vista aka one of the money bag parts of San Diego and I think we’re going to play some basketball, that’s usually where all the good ball players in the mission go so it’s gonna be pretty boss to actually get to play again. I haven’t played ball in a few not days….not weeks….but MONTHS!! It’s so depressing… they’re probably gonna run circles around because I’ll be a little rusty but that’s alright…I just wanna play coach!
So there’s this guy that’s sitting right next to me that has been on the phone the whole hour saying ight foo’ I aint gansta foo I just a hustala dog you know what I’m saying??
No dude! I don’t know what you’re saying! You’re not makin any sense foo! haha just thought I’d let you know my environment at the moment haha…..”and that’s a clrazy lady.”
Last night we went to the Stake Center to watch the broadcast of Christmas Devotional and Whitney I’m like…… 39% sure that I saw you!!! It was from far away when the whole congregation was singing Silent Night at the end. You were sitting close to the front in the middle!! Wassss dat choo???..... I knew it!!! Well kinda… even if it wasn’t you just say it was cuz it makes me happy to thinking that I saw you hehe…. But back on track the devotional was soo touching to me especially President Monson’s talk. The term “you don’t know all that you’ve got until it’s gone,” has never applied to me more than it has now because nothing’s ever been gone or missing in my life but now that I’m not home it just has a bigger meaning to me and it’s so true especially now at Christmas. It’s a weird feeling being away from home now at Christmas time when families are closer than ever but I have to say I feel the same way… that I’ve never been closer to all of you, my family, before. I think being here away from home sets me back away from the all the presents, the shopping, the food, everything and brings me more to the focus of “us,” family, forever and the true meaning of Christmas. I get to slow down and really think of what Christmas means and I feel closer to all of you now more than ever and I think if you can feel that….if you can feel closer to your family more than the gifts, the decorations, the craziness of shopping and running around then that’s the true Spirit of Christmas, that’s what it’s all about. Have the Christmas that it’s suppose to be… live a CHIRSTmas this year instead of a WORLDmas meaning if we don’t get caught up in all the things the world is doing and thinks about Christmas and truly focus on the birth of our Savior and blessings of our home and family and the things that we cherish so dear then this Christmas will truly be one to remember because it’s the people that we’re with, not the things that we get that is most important and most memorable.
“What all of us long for in our hearts, at Christmastime and always, is to feel bound together in love with the sweet assurance that it can last forever. This is the promise of eternal life, which God has called His greatest gift to His children (see D&C 14:7). That is made possible by the gifts to us of His Beloved Son: the Savior’s birth, Atonement, and Resurrection. It is through the Savior’s life and mission that we have the assurance that we can be together in love and live forever in families.
The feeling of longing for home is born into us. That wonderful dream cannot become real without great faith—enough for the Holy Ghost to lead us to repentance, baptism, and the making and keeping of sacred covenants with God. This faith requires enduring bravely the trials of mortal life. Then, in the next life, we can be welcomed by our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son to that home of our dreams.
Even in this life we can have an assurance of the coming of that day and feel some of the joys we will know when at last we arrive home. The celebration of the Savior’s birth at Christmas gives us special opportunities to experience those joys in this life.” – President Eyring
So take hold of what we all hold so dear and cherish every moment of it this Christmas. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year so let’s make it that way!
Welp I better run…gots some b-ball to play so I hope that every has a good week and doesn’t get tooo cold…. I know I won’t haha. So take care and I’ll be calling home soon enough! Love you all and have a great week!!!!
Much love, One love,
Elder Ryan Lawter
Ryan the lion
And in any other name that you call me..that's my name!
What’s new and coo? So it’s rainy and 50 degrees here in El Cajon as we speak….B...E…A…UTIFUL winter weather! It’s was so weird not to wake up to sunshine this morning but I’m not complaining…. I like the rainy lazy banana pancake days when I can get em… especially on P-days where I can relax and stay inside! Today I think Elder Ulrich and I are going to make a trip down to Chula Vista aka one of the money bag parts of San Diego and I think we’re going to play some basketball, that’s usually where all the good ball players in the mission go so it’s gonna be pretty boss to actually get to play again. I haven’t played ball in a few not days….not weeks….but MONTHS!! It’s so depressing… they’re probably gonna run circles around because I’ll be a little rusty but that’s alright…I just wanna play coach!
So there’s this guy that’s sitting right next to me that has been on the phone the whole hour saying ight foo’ I aint gansta foo I just a hustala dog you know what I’m saying??
No dude! I don’t know what you’re saying! You’re not makin any sense foo! haha just thought I’d let you know my environment at the moment haha…..”and that’s a clrazy lady.”
Last night we went to the Stake Center to watch the broadcast of Christmas Devotional and Whitney I’m like…… 39% sure that I saw you!!! It was from far away when the whole congregation was singing Silent Night at the end. You were sitting close to the front in the middle!! Wassss dat choo???..... I knew it!!! Well kinda… even if it wasn’t you just say it was cuz it makes me happy to thinking that I saw you hehe…. But back on track the devotional was soo touching to me especially President Monson’s talk. The term “you don’t know all that you’ve got until it’s gone,” has never applied to me more than it has now because nothing’s ever been gone or missing in my life but now that I’m not home it just has a bigger meaning to me and it’s so true especially now at Christmas. It’s a weird feeling being away from home now at Christmas time when families are closer than ever but I have to say I feel the same way… that I’ve never been closer to all of you, my family, before. I think being here away from home sets me back away from the all the presents, the shopping, the food, everything and brings me more to the focus of “us,” family, forever and the true meaning of Christmas. I get to slow down and really think of what Christmas means and I feel closer to all of you now more than ever and I think if you can feel that….if you can feel closer to your family more than the gifts, the decorations, the craziness of shopping and running around then that’s the true Spirit of Christmas, that’s what it’s all about. Have the Christmas that it’s suppose to be… live a CHIRSTmas this year instead of a WORLDmas meaning if we don’t get caught up in all the things the world is doing and thinks about Christmas and truly focus on the birth of our Savior and blessings of our home and family and the things that we cherish so dear then this Christmas will truly be one to remember because it’s the people that we’re with, not the things that we get that is most important and most memorable.
“What all of us long for in our hearts, at Christmastime and always, is to feel bound together in love with the sweet assurance that it can last forever. This is the promise of eternal life, which God has called His greatest gift to His children (see D&C 14:7). That is made possible by the gifts to us of His Beloved Son: the Savior’s birth, Atonement, and Resurrection. It is through the Savior’s life and mission that we have the assurance that we can be together in love and live forever in families.
The feeling of longing for home is born into us. That wonderful dream cannot become real without great faith—enough for the Holy Ghost to lead us to repentance, baptism, and the making and keeping of sacred covenants with God. This faith requires enduring bravely the trials of mortal life. Then, in the next life, we can be welcomed by our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son to that home of our dreams.
Even in this life we can have an assurance of the coming of that day and feel some of the joys we will know when at last we arrive home. The celebration of the Savior’s birth at Christmas gives us special opportunities to experience those joys in this life.” – President Eyring
So take hold of what we all hold so dear and cherish every moment of it this Christmas. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year so let’s make it that way!
Welp I better run…gots some b-ball to play so I hope that every has a good week and doesn’t get tooo cold…. I know I won’t haha. So take care and I’ll be calling home soon enough! Love you all and have a great week!!!!
Much love, One love,
Elder Ryan Lawter
Ryan the lion
And in any other name that you call me..that's my name!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Week # I lost count!
What's on Fam,
How was Thanksgiving. It was kind of a hectic week this week for me; had Thanksgiving on Thursday, transfers on Friday so it's been kind of crazy but it's all good. So yea I'm still in El Cajon.....on bike......with Elder's all the same game, nothings really changed. Kinda wanted to head out to Brawley but it's all good here. President Donaldson said something cool at transfers, he said you're called to a people not an area. So there's a reason why I'm staying and I think that I found it out. Recently we've been teaching a kid named Christian, I don't know if I've talked about him before but he's pretty sweet. Just a really cool kid that I feel we can help turn his life in the right direction. He's been through a lot with parents divorce, life, where he's at and he's just really confussed, doesn't really know where he wants to go in life or anything but he's set on listening to us and reading and looking for direciton in the right place. So I think that's why I've been here for 6 months to teach him and help him, he speaks English and is just one of two who is fluent in English out of all our investigators. So I'm way stoked for this month and hopefully we'll have a good Christmas present with a baptism. Other than that, not a whole lot going down here in big El Cajon. Thanksgiving was pretty good, we went to a members house for a bit ate....and ate...and ate....and ate so now that I'm 40 lbs heavier things are's a good thing I'm on bike. But then after dinner we went to the stake center for the transfer pinata, where we find out who's getting transfered, so it was a pretty good day, couldn't help but think of home and being inside playing games and such but that's ok only one more thanksgiving away. So the work is going pretty good, the area's kind of struggling but that's why I'm called here, to roll up the sleves and get to work. Well sorry this e-mail is going to be kind of short but we've got to go and get a few things done before our luncheon appointment with the old ladies, so I will talk to next monday and hopfully have a lot more to talk about. So have a good week and a good start to the Christmas season! Love you all!
-Elder Lawter
How was Thanksgiving. It was kind of a hectic week this week for me; had Thanksgiving on Thursday, transfers on Friday so it's been kind of crazy but it's all good. So yea I'm still in El Cajon.....on bike......with Elder's all the same game, nothings really changed. Kinda wanted to head out to Brawley but it's all good here. President Donaldson said something cool at transfers, he said you're called to a people not an area. So there's a reason why I'm staying and I think that I found it out. Recently we've been teaching a kid named Christian, I don't know if I've talked about him before but he's pretty sweet. Just a really cool kid that I feel we can help turn his life in the right direction. He's been through a lot with parents divorce, life, where he's at and he's just really confussed, doesn't really know where he wants to go in life or anything but he's set on listening to us and reading and looking for direciton in the right place. So I think that's why I've been here for 6 months to teach him and help him, he speaks English and is just one of two who is fluent in English out of all our investigators. So I'm way stoked for this month and hopefully we'll have a good Christmas present with a baptism. Other than that, not a whole lot going down here in big El Cajon. Thanksgiving was pretty good, we went to a members house for a bit ate....and ate...and ate....and ate so now that I'm 40 lbs heavier things are's a good thing I'm on bike. But then after dinner we went to the stake center for the transfer pinata, where we find out who's getting transfered, so it was a pretty good day, couldn't help but think of home and being inside playing games and such but that's ok only one more thanksgiving away. So the work is going pretty good, the area's kind of struggling but that's why I'm called here, to roll up the sleves and get to work. Well sorry this e-mail is going to be kind of short but we've got to go and get a few things done before our luncheon appointment with the old ladies, so I will talk to next monday and hopfully have a lot more to talk about. So have a good week and a good start to the Christmas season! Love you all!
-Elder Lawter
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Uno Mas
Monday, November 23, 2009
Gobble Gobble!
To whom it may concern,
(I’m starting to run out of ideas for my opening header)
How’s everyone doing this gobble gobble week? Can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving and the holidays, sure doesn’t feel like it! Time is starting to take off and the mission is starting to fly by! My week was pretty good. Didn’t fall on my face this week or get veggies chucked at me which is a plus so it made for a fairly decent week. Let’s see last Monday a bunch of us missionaries got together and played some football until we couldn’t see any more which was a lot of fun, reminds me of playing at Grandpa and Grandma’s house until dinner was ready then I would; come in, eat, and then go right back out with all the other punks until the sun went down. It just feels good to be a kid again sometimes, actually all the time for me but that was a blast. Then Monday night through Tuesday, I went on exchanges with Elder Ulrich because I don’t know if I’m going to be staying or going, I actually might be staying after talking to Elder Ulrich but I’ll know for sure on transfer day which is this Friday. Exchanges was sooo much fun! Elder Ulrich is such a sweet and chill guy, we went and visited a lot of people, in a car! Went and ate some bbq (kind of disappointing compared to KC’s bbq but it was still good to get some bbq in me instead of Mexican food that burns holes in my stomach), and just had fun doin work. It was great to get to teach some people in English, kind of made me want to be switched back to an English Elder but I know that’s not my calling, my calling is Spanish for a reason, it’s just hard to have patience when you’re in the thick of things. It’s a struggle everyday but I love it. Yesterday we got to finally teach a kid that we’ve been trying to track down for a week or two and it was such a spiritual experience and lesson! The kid’s name is Christian, he’s a senior in school, plays soccer, and works a lot to help support his family so I can see where his busyness comes from but he’s one of the sweetest guys that I’ve had the blessing of teaching. He’s actually a friend of my recent convert, Edson and that’s where we first met him and got to talking to him about the gospel was at Edson’s house because Edson wasn’t home, we started talking to him and it’s so amazing the paths that Heavenly Father takes us on and the people that are just so ready to hear the message of the restored gospel and you can just tell that this man is so ready and willing! It’s awesome. But we were talking to him last night, getting to know him better and just his background in life and he’s just the normal kid; going to school, not knowing what he wants to do in life, might join the military. He’s just at the crossroads in his and he’s looking for direction and it’s cool because he said that he’s looking for spiritual direction as well, so I pulled out the Book Of Mormon and started talking to him about it and how in a world full of confusion and turmoil the Book of Mormon is there to guide us, to direction us, to comfort us, and to answer sooo many questions that we desire to know; like where to we come from? Is there more to life? What my purpose in this life? Where do my family and I go after we die? Just questions of the soul that we all ask ourselves and the Book of Mormon is there give us the answer to those questions and right after I started talking to him about the Book of Mormon and before I even committed him to read and pray about it, he looked me in the eye and said “I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll read this book cover to cover and find out if what you are telling me is true or not.” I was like ooooh baby, this guy is sweet! So yea that’s pretty much our first lesson with him in a nut-shell, he’s just so willing and you can tell that he’s searching for direction and truth in his life, so I’ll let you know how it goes with my main man ray. But yeah doesn’t sound like an amazing week but to me it was! So I hope that you all have amazing weeks and have a good thanksgiving and are able to appreciate the many things in life that we hold so dear to us and are so grateful for. So cherish the moments and cherish the blessings in your lives and don’t take any of it for granted.
Love you all and will talk with you LITERALLY ON THE PHONE soon!!!!
Much Love,
(I’m starting to run out of ideas for my opening header)
How’s everyone doing this gobble gobble week? Can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving and the holidays, sure doesn’t feel like it! Time is starting to take off and the mission is starting to fly by! My week was pretty good. Didn’t fall on my face this week or get veggies chucked at me which is a plus so it made for a fairly decent week. Let’s see last Monday a bunch of us missionaries got together and played some football until we couldn’t see any more which was a lot of fun, reminds me of playing at Grandpa and Grandma’s house until dinner was ready then I would; come in, eat, and then go right back out with all the other punks until the sun went down. It just feels good to be a kid again sometimes, actually all the time for me but that was a blast. Then Monday night through Tuesday, I went on exchanges with Elder Ulrich because I don’t know if I’m going to be staying or going, I actually might be staying after talking to Elder Ulrich but I’ll know for sure on transfer day which is this Friday. Exchanges was sooo much fun! Elder Ulrich is such a sweet and chill guy, we went and visited a lot of people, in a car! Went and ate some bbq (kind of disappointing compared to KC’s bbq but it was still good to get some bbq in me instead of Mexican food that burns holes in my stomach), and just had fun doin work. It was great to get to teach some people in English, kind of made me want to be switched back to an English Elder but I know that’s not my calling, my calling is Spanish for a reason, it’s just hard to have patience when you’re in the thick of things. It’s a struggle everyday but I love it. Yesterday we got to finally teach a kid that we’ve been trying to track down for a week or two and it was such a spiritual experience and lesson! The kid’s name is Christian, he’s a senior in school, plays soccer, and works a lot to help support his family so I can see where his busyness comes from but he’s one of the sweetest guys that I’ve had the blessing of teaching. He’s actually a friend of my recent convert, Edson and that’s where we first met him and got to talking to him about the gospel was at Edson’s house because Edson wasn’t home, we started talking to him and it’s so amazing the paths that Heavenly Father takes us on and the people that are just so ready to hear the message of the restored gospel and you can just tell that this man is so ready and willing! It’s awesome. But we were talking to him last night, getting to know him better and just his background in life and he’s just the normal kid; going to school, not knowing what he wants to do in life, might join the military. He’s just at the crossroads in his and he’s looking for direction and it’s cool because he said that he’s looking for spiritual direction as well, so I pulled out the Book Of Mormon and started talking to him about it and how in a world full of confusion and turmoil the Book of Mormon is there to guide us, to direction us, to comfort us, and to answer sooo many questions that we desire to know; like where to we come from? Is there more to life? What my purpose in this life? Where do my family and I go after we die? Just questions of the soul that we all ask ourselves and the Book of Mormon is there give us the answer to those questions and right after I started talking to him about the Book of Mormon and before I even committed him to read and pray about it, he looked me in the eye and said “I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll read this book cover to cover and find out if what you are telling me is true or not.” I was like ooooh baby, this guy is sweet! So yea that’s pretty much our first lesson with him in a nut-shell, he’s just so willing and you can tell that he’s searching for direction and truth in his life, so I’ll let you know how it goes with my main man ray. But yeah doesn’t sound like an amazing week but to me it was! So I hope that you all have amazing weeks and have a good thanksgiving and are able to appreciate the many things in life that we hold so dear to us and are so grateful for. So cherish the moments and cherish the blessings in your lives and don’t take any of it for granted.
Love you all and will talk with you LITERALLY ON THE PHONE soon!!!!
Much Love,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Word from your movie star,How’s everyone doing!? So last Friday was my big reality show premier, and I just shined on stage like a diamond in the sun. Ok so a little exaggeration but it was really good, I made some comments in the zone conference that was filmed so we’ll see if they actually make the cut. We filmed for 3 hours and they are going to cut it all the way down to 12 minutes or something like that, so a long time filmin just for 12 minutes but it was fun and good too, we talked about commitments and invitations in our zone conference with President Donaldson, that man is genius, genius, genius! I just love getting insights and learning from him. Then after zone conference we had our interviews for transfers, which was BOSS!! So president brought me in and was asking me about how the branch is doing and to be quite honest it’s not, it’s going down hill and it’s hard to get the members to help us out, so he gave Elder Morales and I the assignment to work with as many less-active members as we can and try to build up the branch as much as we can, “before we leave.” President Donaldson told me he said, “you know why you got switched?” I was like uhhhhh…. He said “It’s because we needed you as fast as we could so we had to get you out here fast and then switch you.” He told me that the Spanish work here in San Diego is about to go through the roof and there’s going to be a lot of new areas opening up and a lot of things going on and he told me that he needed me. So he challenged be to just blitz my Spanish so that I can do all I can to help these new areas and branches open up. So chances are that I’m not going to be sticking around El Cajon any more, which excites me. I’m so ready to get out of this are and to go some where else, particularly, cough, cough the desert. President pretty much told me that there’s going to be a branch opening up in Brawley and that he needs me out there to usher it in so to speak so I’m way excited to go out to the desert! There’s not much out there…..which reminds me of Holt so yea I can’t wait! Now this is just speculation but ya I’m like 92% sure. The only bad thing about the desert is I’ll only get mail like every 3 weeks which is really tough but it’ll be like Christmas with all the letters on that 3rd P-day. So yea…..the desert.So my week has been a-ok. Some funny things happened for one I wrecked my bike got all bloodied up yea it was cool. I won’t go into any details but it was a one man wreck meaning I need training wheels, I flew over the handle bars meaning I need a seat belt, and I ate a lot of pavement meaning I should have got stitches, I probably should’ve actually on my chin, it was a pretty good gash but I just threw a band-aid on it and called it good, it doesn’t look too shabby. Only bad part is I still look like Jay Leno and it’s still it hurts but I think I’m fine. So that was on Thursday, then on Saturday, you know how people always yell at us here….Well I was waiting for it to happen but they finally threw something at us bet you’ll never guess what it was……..Yea it was carrots and celery, who throws carrots and celery!? I mean honestly? The funny thing was though there was a kid with a dominos sign across the street and they threw their vegetable bombs at him to but he shielded himself with his sign haha. Buncha punks here but it’s a memory.So that was my fantastic week other than that, things are going smoothly. I hope that everyone has a smooth week and watch out for flying those vegetables. I love you all and will talk to you next week!Much love, all my love,Elder Lawter (Ryan)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hey family,Sorry you got this email pretty late but this morning I got to go to da ZOOOOO! It was sooo boss. Elder Ulrich and Elder Layton acquired some free tickets for Elder Morales and I and then there were 8 others, so 12 missionaries total at the zoo today and for some of the time I think that we were a bigger attraction than the monkeys, people just can’t help but stare. I don’t mind it really, they look at me and I just stare right back and smile. So this week was a fairly good one, a slower week than others but it was still pretty good. Remember last week when I was talking about Edson and him not wanting to talk to us, well we got a call on fri. and one of his friends told us that Edson got a DUI and that his parents are kicking him out of the house. So I don’t know if he feels guilty to talk to us or what but at least there’s a reason why now, so we’re going to stop by a lot this week and see if he will talk to us or if we can find out where he’s staying. Oh mom can you send me that blue and grey gap vest as well as any other sweater that I have, at nights it get pretty chilwey wiwwey bikin around and also the Sister Act 2 cd (if you can find it). Thanks! And thanks for the CDs last week, the Elvis ones are off the chain! Never thought I’d workout to Elvis but I do every morning, it’s crazy good.It’s weird hearing about the stake presidency being changed around, it’s going to be especially weird getting my exit interview by some guy I don’t even know instead of President Leinhart but I’m not gonna complain either way when I’m home.So how was Elder Nelson? That’s pretty sweet you being so close to an apostle, kinda jealous not gonna lie but I got some pretty cool news myself. So you know a few weeks ago when I was talking about the camera crew here in the mission documenting us to replace the Preach My Gospel videos well not only was I filmed last night at the Charla in San Diego but our zone is going to be holding a special zone conference that’s going to be filmed on Friday! It’s about time I get some camera action. Ha na it doesn’t bother me at all actually I think I’d be really uncomfortable with cameras following me everywhere I went so just a few times of being on camera is enough for me. So I heard briefly about the shooting down in Texas, pretty crazy what all happened exactly? I feel kind of weird being out of the news loop but then again it’s kind of nice to be solely focused on one thing, one very important thing and just let the world and troubles keep turning. I see it everyday. I see it in the streets and I see it in the people’s eyes. It’s sad to see and to talk to so many people that just literally have nothing and here I am with it all. I count my many blessings and am so grateful for all that I have.So random thought about being out of the loop, I didn’t even know that Bryce and Lauren were a thing. Uhhhhhhhhh when did this “officially” happen? Lauren H. right? Man my friends need to write me and give me the 411. So there’s not really much else going on just same ol’same ol’ missionary work, we’re coming up on the end of transfer 3 that’s almost 6 months! ¼ of the way home but still more to go which is good. I’m having fun, I’m enjoying myself, as I think everyone should be, if you can’t enjoy your life and what you’re doing then what’s the point of doin it? I’m grateful for my opportunity to serve as well as the many other opportunities and blessings on those opportunities. It’s all good and it’s all worth it. Just keep truckin forward and never look back. I love you all and pray for the bestest week of yo livessss. Much love,Ryan
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The nicest smelling bum Ryan's ever met

Isn't he handsome?

He stepped on a nail! Poor guy!

He wanted to show us the nail, and how worn out his shoes are after only 4 months!

Ryan's caption to this picture was, "If you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true."-from the movie Napoleon Dynamite

Going on a morning hike!

Branch Halloween party
I also thought I'd share a funny story that Ryan told me in his latest letter that made me laugh out loud when I read it! Typical Ryan!
"So Elder Morales and I were biking through a neighborhood, enjoying the nice day then this little pip-squeak dog, a poodle I think, came chasing after me. I was like sweet deedra! and started peddling faster but the dog kept running so after almost running over the dog like 9 times, I finally said ok this isn't gonna work. I looked up and there was a parked car in the street so I inched over as close as I could to just barely miss the car. Mind you the dog is still running, barking, all of his attentions on me. You remember watching those stupid cat videos where the cats run into everything? Well this was like the AFV $10,000 winner. That dog freakin nailed the bumper of that car. Thud!!!! hahaha! Probably one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. Little kujo was down and out. My perfect little evil plan worked. So picture that story in your head...ya that's exactly how it was. Hahaha....I was crying I was laughing so hard. I can't stop laughing now!"
Some things never change, huh? Glad to know he's still got that same sense of humor :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Helllllooo everyone,
How's everything going? Things are well in El Cajon, kind of chilly actually, it was in the low 60's a few days last week! It feels nice for a change! So it really bums me out to find out about Aunt Maryln but there’s also comfort and peace to be found to. This past week my recent convert Edson pretty much dropped us, doesn’t want to see us, doesn’t want anything to do with us and it hurts, not as much as losing Aunt Maryln but it just made my whole day horrible. I couldn’t get over it until…I thought of what could comfort me most and pick me up… so I read and prayed. I felt so much more joy and happiness in a place that anyone can ALWAYS find much joy and happiness….the scriptures. The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ IS without a doubt, a message of joy and happiness that comes from the knowledge that Christ lives, that He suffered and willingly sacrificed the greatest sacrifice so that we may live again. There’s a few videos that I found that are videos from living apostles of the Lord and I think that they can say it a whole lot better than I can.
because Christ suffered for us, we may have the knowledge that we are never alone. Through our darkest times and our deepest sorrow we may have the surety that God is closer to us than He has ever been, He’s right there beside us where He always is, and He’s watching over us and holding our hand and He always will. We are not alone. God weeps when we weep, He wants the very best for us and all that He has and because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we are able to obtain all that He has. He is literally our Savior and Redeemer, Salvation cannot come through us alone but through His atoning blood. There’s no doubt in my mind that Aunt Marlyn is in a better place, a place of happiness and rest from all cares.
it’s the best remedy, to laugh. Laughter not only is good for the soul but it’s good for the souls around. I sent a package out to Whitney last tue. Or wed. something like that and on Sat. I went to the Mission office where all the mail comes in and I saw that there was a package for me, in the same box that I sent Whitney. I thought jeez that’s creepy I just sent out a box just like that, then I got closer and saw Whitney’s name on it and thought cripes that’s even creepier, she sent the same box and for some odd reason wrote the addresses in my hand writing style…..Then it finally dawned on me. I mixed up the addresses and sent the package to myself! Haha It’s times like those that you can either get mad or you can just laugh it off. Lucky for me I realize that I’m a ding-dong and I just laughed and laughed haha so sweets your package is coming….it’s just got delayed a little bit because I wanted the goodies in the box but I guess I better send em’ back. Haha. Live. Love. Laugh. You can’t have one without the other.
I’m soooo sooo very grateful for all that I’ve been given. I have been blessed with a loving EVERYTHING. A loving family, An eternally loving Heavenly Father, A loving Savior, loving friends. I count my blessings every night and I have been truly given so much. I realize as well as Whitney too, we’ve realized since I’ve been gone “the little things in life.” There are many things that I take for granted everyday that some people don’t have. I have my health, an education, I can do little tasks that are near impossible for others to do and I’m so grateful for the many things that I have been blessed with in my life.
I have a divine testimony of the word and gospel in which I’m teaching. I know that through our lives we ALL go through heartache and sorrow but whatever the case maybe the Gospel of Jesus Christ can and will help anyone, anywhere, at anytime. My plea is that we laugh a little more, that we love a little harder, and that we give thanks to all the many things that we have because not everyday is promised but there is promise for comfort and strength through all that we go through. This email went in a total different direction than I was planning but know that I love each and everyone of you but most importantly Heavenly Father and His perfect son Jesus Christ loves all and knows what each of us is going through. I hope that you all have a good week and Live. Love. Laugh.
How's everything going? Things are well in El Cajon, kind of chilly actually, it was in the low 60's a few days last week! It feels nice for a change! So it really bums me out to find out about Aunt Maryln but there’s also comfort and peace to be found to. This past week my recent convert Edson pretty much dropped us, doesn’t want to see us, doesn’t want anything to do with us and it hurts, not as much as losing Aunt Maryln but it just made my whole day horrible. I couldn’t get over it until…I thought of what could comfort me most and pick me up… so I read and prayed. I felt so much more joy and happiness in a place that anyone can ALWAYS find much joy and happiness….the scriptures. The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ IS without a doubt, a message of joy and happiness that comes from the knowledge that Christ lives, that He suffered and willingly sacrificed the greatest sacrifice so that we may live again. There’s a few videos that I found that are videos from living apostles of the Lord and I think that they can say it a whole lot better than I can.
because Christ suffered for us, we may have the knowledge that we are never alone. Through our darkest times and our deepest sorrow we may have the surety that God is closer to us than He has ever been, He’s right there beside us where He always is, and He’s watching over us and holding our hand and He always will. We are not alone. God weeps when we weep, He wants the very best for us and all that He has and because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we are able to obtain all that He has. He is literally our Savior and Redeemer, Salvation cannot come through us alone but through His atoning blood. There’s no doubt in my mind that Aunt Marlyn is in a better place, a place of happiness and rest from all cares.
it’s the best remedy, to laugh. Laughter not only is good for the soul but it’s good for the souls around. I sent a package out to Whitney last tue. Or wed. something like that and on Sat. I went to the Mission office where all the mail comes in and I saw that there was a package for me, in the same box that I sent Whitney. I thought jeez that’s creepy I just sent out a box just like that, then I got closer and saw Whitney’s name on it and thought cripes that’s even creepier, she sent the same box and for some odd reason wrote the addresses in my hand writing style…..Then it finally dawned on me. I mixed up the addresses and sent the package to myself! Haha It’s times like those that you can either get mad or you can just laugh it off. Lucky for me I realize that I’m a ding-dong and I just laughed and laughed haha so sweets your package is coming….it’s just got delayed a little bit because I wanted the goodies in the box but I guess I better send em’ back. Haha. Live. Love. Laugh. You can’t have one without the other.
I’m soooo sooo very grateful for all that I’ve been given. I have been blessed with a loving EVERYTHING. A loving family, An eternally loving Heavenly Father, A loving Savior, loving friends. I count my blessings every night and I have been truly given so much. I realize as well as Whitney too, we’ve realized since I’ve been gone “the little things in life.” There are many things that I take for granted everyday that some people don’t have. I have my health, an education, I can do little tasks that are near impossible for others to do and I’m so grateful for the many things that I have been blessed with in my life.
I have a divine testimony of the word and gospel in which I’m teaching. I know that through our lives we ALL go through heartache and sorrow but whatever the case maybe the Gospel of Jesus Christ can and will help anyone, anywhere, at anytime. My plea is that we laugh a little more, that we love a little harder, and that we give thanks to all the many things that we have because not everyday is promised but there is promise for comfort and strength through all that we go through. This email went in a total different direction than I was planning but know that I love each and everyone of you but most importantly Heavenly Father and His perfect son Jesus Christ loves all and knows what each of us is going through. I hope that you all have a good week and Live. Love. Laugh.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Happy Howubeen?!!
Whud up family,How’s the homestead? Things are goin pretty sweet here. We went hiking at 6 in the morning this morning to the top of a mountain in La Mesa and it was so cool because right as soon as we got to the very top of the mountain the sun peaked it’s little head over the other mountains and we got to watch the sun come up on the valley and the ocean. We could even see Tijuana through all the smog and mary jane smoke haha. You wanna hear something ironic though, through the whole San Diego valley the only city to have pollution and smog over it was….yup good ol’ nastiness El Cajon. The armpit of America. It’s really a trashy place. Just think of Excelsior Springs on steroids and you’ve got El Cajon. Ya it’s that bad (Dad be sure to show that comment to Ratliff) but it was an awesome hike up the mountain. So I heard about the Chiefs, bunch of suckas. I made sure to wear a bag over my head yesterday. Man they suck so bad. Football season is terrible, missionary work wise because it’s tough getting the die hard charger fans to church. I swear on Sunday afternoons it’s like Provo, there is no one out on the street because they’re all inside watching football. Bunch of punks. So how are the Spurs doing? I can’t believe it’s already the basketball season again. How’s Gar Bear and the dogs lookin’? Think they’ve got a shot with Starzl down lizzo? Keep me posted!Ok I’m through with worldly things now, I love the spurs, ok now I’m down so let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Yesterday was an awesome day. So it was about 8:30 and we haven’t had dinner yet, so Elder Morales and I were both starvin like Marvin but instead of going home and getting something to eat, we decided to visit one more person. Oh before I forget mom could you send me my North Face hoodie (it’s getting pretty chilly, I’ve got warmness deficiency) and the sister act cd (Motab just isn’t cuttin it anymore, I’ve got music deficiency) oh as well as Whitney too (if you could box her up and ship her out that’d be great, I’ve got Whitney deficiency). If you could hand deliver these things that would be good (I’ve got momma deficiency) thanks! Anyways back to the story so the person that we went and visited his name is Moises which is Spanish for Moses and Elder Law and I actually found him looking for someone else because Moises is that someone else’s roommate but we talked to Moises jeez it’s been 10 weeks that we’ve been talking to him and he hasn’t shown a true interest until the last couple of weeks. A few nights ago we asked him if he was truly happy and he said “la verdad… no” which is “the truth…no” He said that he hasn’t been happy for awhile, he’s 40 years old, not married, lives with like 20 other Mexicans in one apartment, and he works everyday of his life for nothing really. Then he said something amazing he said that the only time he really gets happy is when we come over, which is cool for us to hear but sad at the same time. He said there’s something about you two that makes me feel all good inside and feel loved. SCORE!!! So at the end of the lesson we read 2 Nephi 31 which talks about the “Doctrine of Christ” and following Christ by being baptized by His authority and after we read that we committed him to baptism. “Segiura al ejemplo de JesuCrito por alguin que posea la autoridad del sacerdocio de Dios? El ocho de Noviembre tenemos la servicio bautismal. Se Preparara para ser bautisaudo en es la fecha?” Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God. We will be holding a baptismal service on November 8th. Will you prepare yourself to be baptized on that date? And before we could even finish….”SI!!! SI!! SI!!!” I’ve seen true miracles on my mission, I’ve seen life’s changed and people change that I didn’t even think would be possible. Moises is a pure example. Going from a guy that wanted nothing much to do with the church to becoming a member! It’s soo sweet! He has a date for the 8th so pray for him!!! It’s been a great week! I hope that it keeps getting better and that all who are reading this has a good week too! Hope is the leading light, it guides us through our darkest hours and to our brightest days.I love all of you and pray for you daily! Hope you all have a PERFECT week and I’ll talk to you next Monday!Love you all mucho mucho!Ryan
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
16 Weeks Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So here we are again another day another dolla,
“Gooood Mornin and if I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, good night.”
Someone e-mail the name of that movie and I’ll e-mail you a good job back. So how’s it going? Chiefs won that’s good news, a member was telling me about the game at dinner last night, it’s about time is all I’ve gotta say, can I get an Amen on that? But even sweeter is hearing about Grandma and Grandpa’s mission call! 3 Lawter’s in the mission field, that’s so cool. I think senior couple missionaries are sooo neat; they’re all soo nice and soft-hearted, a perfect job for Grandma and Grandpa. Do you know what they’ll be doing? Will they be in the office? At the temple? Visitors Center? What? What? I’m intrigued! Things are going really good here! Spanish kicks my butt, but before too long I’ll build up some calluses and start getting fluent. It’s difficult but no one said it was going to be easy, they just promised help along the way. It’s hard to learn a new language from 3 books and only 1 hour a day, I’m more of a visual learner but it will be so sweet when I beat the odds and get it down. I think that the Lord’s just preppin me for Dentistry School because my face is going to be tapped to a book 24/7, but just like this Spanish it’s worth it, it’s all worth it. I’ve got the Heart of a Champion, I’m doing it. So speaking of heart of a champion, we have a family that we are teaching and they are the sweetest family; the dad’s name is Jose (big surprise, I think half of our dude investigators are either named Jose or Pedro, that’s no lie either) he’s a really nice guy and he works like 14-15 hours a day, 2 jobs to provide for his family and for his baby, which I’ll get to that in a second. The mom’s name is Adela, she is a really sweet lady, nice as can be, came to church yesterday, even though she wasn’t feeling to good but she felt that she needed to go, then they have a little girl who is soo stinkin cute and funny, she always brings her ponies out when we come over because she always wants a play buddy haha but then they have a new born that’s about 4 months old, which is a miracle in itself. The baby was born with multiple tumors in her head and the doctor said that she was terminal and had maybe a month to live, but now it’s been 4 months later and the baby is still going strong but the family kind of suffers money wise because they are constantly going to the doctor about everyday and that’s why Jose is pulling 2 jobs and multiple shifts. Such a neat family! They always tell us that we inspire them and how grateful they are when we come over but I think it’s them that inspire me more. Just to see their determination and attitude towards the situation that they have been given, is so touching to me. Obviously we’ve been teaching them a lot about families and how the bonds of the family can never be broken even after this life through the blessings of the gospel and of the temple. Every time we go over it’s such a moving experience because they just can’t help but break down and cry each time we tell them that families are together FOREVER. Adela leaves tissues by the couch now because she uses the whole box every time haha but it’s so touching and heart-warming to know that the most important thing to us; our families, are not only ordained of God but they are ordained and meant to last for the space of eternity. I’m so grateful for that blessing and it truly does make everything worth it. I’m grateful for you mom and dad and for the choices you’ve made to make sure that we has a family and my quickly approaching family and so forth are able to be together forever. I love both of you and I’m so grateful and proud to call you my parents. I love both of you and hope that you have a good week. “Don’t worry, be happy” and “Go put your records on”
With all my love,
Your son, and your favorite (I hope),
“Gooood Mornin and if I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, good night.”
Someone e-mail the name of that movie and I’ll e-mail you a good job back. So how’s it going? Chiefs won that’s good news, a member was telling me about the game at dinner last night, it’s about time is all I’ve gotta say, can I get an Amen on that? But even sweeter is hearing about Grandma and Grandpa’s mission call! 3 Lawter’s in the mission field, that’s so cool. I think senior couple missionaries are sooo neat; they’re all soo nice and soft-hearted, a perfect job for Grandma and Grandpa. Do you know what they’ll be doing? Will they be in the office? At the temple? Visitors Center? What? What? I’m intrigued! Things are going really good here! Spanish kicks my butt, but before too long I’ll build up some calluses and start getting fluent. It’s difficult but no one said it was going to be easy, they just promised help along the way. It’s hard to learn a new language from 3 books and only 1 hour a day, I’m more of a visual learner but it will be so sweet when I beat the odds and get it down. I think that the Lord’s just preppin me for Dentistry School because my face is going to be tapped to a book 24/7, but just like this Spanish it’s worth it, it’s all worth it. I’ve got the Heart of a Champion, I’m doing it. So speaking of heart of a champion, we have a family that we are teaching and they are the sweetest family; the dad’s name is Jose (big surprise, I think half of our dude investigators are either named Jose or Pedro, that’s no lie either) he’s a really nice guy and he works like 14-15 hours a day, 2 jobs to provide for his family and for his baby, which I’ll get to that in a second. The mom’s name is Adela, she is a really sweet lady, nice as can be, came to church yesterday, even though she wasn’t feeling to good but she felt that she needed to go, then they have a little girl who is soo stinkin cute and funny, she always brings her ponies out when we come over because she always wants a play buddy haha but then they have a new born that’s about 4 months old, which is a miracle in itself. The baby was born with multiple tumors in her head and the doctor said that she was terminal and had maybe a month to live, but now it’s been 4 months later and the baby is still going strong but the family kind of suffers money wise because they are constantly going to the doctor about everyday and that’s why Jose is pulling 2 jobs and multiple shifts. Such a neat family! They always tell us that we inspire them and how grateful they are when we come over but I think it’s them that inspire me more. Just to see their determination and attitude towards the situation that they have been given, is so touching to me. Obviously we’ve been teaching them a lot about families and how the bonds of the family can never be broken even after this life through the blessings of the gospel and of the temple. Every time we go over it’s such a moving experience because they just can’t help but break down and cry each time we tell them that families are together FOREVER. Adela leaves tissues by the couch now because she uses the whole box every time haha but it’s so touching and heart-warming to know that the most important thing to us; our families, are not only ordained of God but they are ordained and meant to last for the space of eternity. I’m so grateful for that blessing and it truly does make everything worth it. I’m grateful for you mom and dad and for the choices you’ve made to make sure that we has a family and my quickly approaching family and so forth are able to be together forever. I love both of you and I’m so grateful and proud to call you my parents. I love both of you and hope that you have a good week. “Don’t worry, be happy” and “Go put your records on”
With all my love,
Your son, and your favorite (I hope),
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Howdy Folks,
Welp like you said the 100 day mark has already come and gone and we’re creeping up to the 6 month mark before too long, time will go by fast to the 6 month mark especially with the holidays coming up. Oh speaking of holidays, Halloween’s coming up. It’s cool because we only work in the morning and afternoon then we get to come inside around 6ish because of all the wackjobs out there, so we’ll get to throw a little party of our own. The same goes for New Years, and I think St Patties day because of all the boozing boozos. I don’t know why started my email off telling you that but I just thought it was a fun little fact. So how is everything going? I got your card yesterday but the dumb music didn’t work. Fiddle sticks. I was looking forward to dancing like a hamster but do you think no music was going to stop me? Not. Thanks for the thought though, it’s the thoughts and little notes like that, that get me motivated and ready to tackle the week. So it’s crazy to say but transfers are coming up TOMORROW!!! Can you believe it!? I’ve been in SoCal for 12 weeks now! It doesn’t really feel like time has gone by that quickly but now that I look back, you bet your beans it has. So how transfers work is on the P-day before transfer Wednesday the Zone Leaders of the Zone get a letter that says who’s stayin, who’s leaving, who’s picking up a new companion, who’s training etc. so like all the information of what’s going to happen in the zone for the next transfer. Now the Zone leaders aren’t suppose to look at the letter until Tuesday night at 9, then everybody finds out what’s going to happen but lucky for me I’ve got my hook ups with the ZL’s aka Elder Ulrich my man. So I guess he opened the letter a day early because us missionaries are impatient when it comes to transfers but come to find out I’m staying another round here in El Cajon, along with my companion Elder Morales and TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION MOTHER DEAREST, why yes……. We are getting along quite eloquently. Ha but really we are getting along. He’s a weird-o and a goofball and a nerd…..but so is Whitney and look how well we do. Elder Morales is not even close to a Whitney but we do alright together. It takes a lot for me not to get along with someone. So yup that’s the word, I’m glad I actually got to tell you first hand but I’ll still be on bike, same apartment, same everything but new swagger. Last transfer was a huge learning experience for me in my mission and in my life, Conference had a lot to do with it but it’s the personal revelation that I’ve been receiving from the Spirit that has taught me the most. Everyday and it never seems to fail I get someone to tell me that I’m wrong, that I’m stupid for what I’m doing, or that I’m just wasting my time. I get a lot of people that mock me, that yell at me, the make fun of me, that tell me to “hail satan,” (you won’t believe how much that happens) but someone somehow always tries to break me down and it stinks, I’ve never been criticized or told that I was wrong in my life but it’s only been making me stronger. Everyday someone tells me that what I teach is wrong but everyday I get to teach and testify what is right and how good does it feel to be right. I know that it’s right, I know that what I’m doing is God’s work and there’s nothing that stop its progression, I wouldn’t be sacrificing 2 years of my life to teach something that I was unsure of or that I had doubts of. It’s true. I often think about how much Joseph Smith was criticized, chastised, and humiliated because he taught something that he knew to be true, he saw God the Eternal Father and His Son and he “could not deny it.” I’m not a Prophet of the Lord but I know just as well as the Prophet did that this is true and I “cannot deny it.” I’m so grateful to be able to tell someone without a shadow of a doubt that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God and that the church is under the direction of Him through a living Prophet. I love what I’m doing and I love this gospel. It’s the “work and the glory” of the Lord and I’m soooo happy to be apart of it and testify of it!
I love all of you! And I wish a good week for you!
With all my Love,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Word Family,
So how was last week? Particularly how was General Conference??? So many good words spoken in each of the sessions! I think I took like 23 pages of notes or something crazy like that. I’m going to have to go back and read the Ensign next month and read all of the talks again because I think I missed some things from writing so many notes. I’m like you guys too I had the distinct feeling like everyone was sitting right beside me watching; Whitney, you two, the grandparents, it just felt like every word that came out of one of the General Authorities mouths I could relate to you, my family. Dad I thought of you when Elder Ballard was talking about the Father and Son relationship and how special it is during General Priesthood and I thought of everyone when President Eyring spoke about families. I just couldn’t help but think how lucky I am to have a family that loves me and that has always loved me. Missionaries have started to call me “the Mailman” not Karl Malone mailman, well I do deliver on the court but that’s not the case here but because I get a steady dose of mail each week. I feel bad because I’m like money bags getting mail while some get zilch, it’s not that their family doesn’t love them I’m sure but it’s just that my family loves me sooo much and cares about me sooo much. It’s heart warming for me, and I don’t think I would be able to fully realize this unless I was away from home for a little while, like here on my mission. How very grateful I am to have you all each and every day of my life, whether I’m in California, Mongolia, Pluto, or right next to you, I feel that love you have for me and I see it everyday of my life. I liked what Pres. Eyring said, I think it was Pres. Eyring, I can’t remember fully I need to go back over my book of notes but someone said something along the lines of the love that our families have for us, times that by infinity and that’s how much the Savior loves us, each and everyone of us. Thinking of it like that shows me that the Savior’s love is astronomical and yet….unconditional. It doesn’t matter if you live in a box, a shoe, a mansion, if you’re the Jonas Brothers, William Hung or if you’re Ryan Lawter just waiting for his chance to make it big (which is coming btw, be on the look out for my debut) the Savior will always have the same love for us as He did when we walked with Him in the life before. It’s kind of hard to put in words how much I love each and every one of you and how much I love my Redeemer. He lives. He loves. He is the Shepard of us all and He is our example, He spoke of no evil and He did not touch an unclean thing and He performed the greatest act in history, perfectly, so that we might live again with Him for the space of eternity. He did so much for us and it was all in the act of love, in love for His brothers, in love for His sisters, and in love for His Father. I talk to people everyday on “Coming unto Christ,” but not only should we do that but we should be like Christ, in every way. It’s my prayer that we strive to do this and not only will it strengthen us and our testimonies but strengthen all those around us.
This last week has been excellent! General Conference, no flat tires, and the temp. has been around like the 60’s, it’s been perfect! Reminds me of good ol’ Missouri fall weather! Ees da best! I love it!
Well la familia I hope that you all have a good week and I hope that you are able to feel the love that I have for each of you and love that the Lord has for you! Love you always and am so proud to be your son, grandson, boyfriend, whatever title, I’m proud and so grateful that you’re my family and love me so much! Have a B-E-A-UTIFUL day and have fun!
All my love,
So how was last week? Particularly how was General Conference??? So many good words spoken in each of the sessions! I think I took like 23 pages of notes or something crazy like that. I’m going to have to go back and read the Ensign next month and read all of the talks again because I think I missed some things from writing so many notes. I’m like you guys too I had the distinct feeling like everyone was sitting right beside me watching; Whitney, you two, the grandparents, it just felt like every word that came out of one of the General Authorities mouths I could relate to you, my family. Dad I thought of you when Elder Ballard was talking about the Father and Son relationship and how special it is during General Priesthood and I thought of everyone when President Eyring spoke about families. I just couldn’t help but think how lucky I am to have a family that loves me and that has always loved me. Missionaries have started to call me “the Mailman” not Karl Malone mailman, well I do deliver on the court but that’s not the case here but because I get a steady dose of mail each week. I feel bad because I’m like money bags getting mail while some get zilch, it’s not that their family doesn’t love them I’m sure but it’s just that my family loves me sooo much and cares about me sooo much. It’s heart warming for me, and I don’t think I would be able to fully realize this unless I was away from home for a little while, like here on my mission. How very grateful I am to have you all each and every day of my life, whether I’m in California, Mongolia, Pluto, or right next to you, I feel that love you have for me and I see it everyday of my life. I liked what Pres. Eyring said, I think it was Pres. Eyring, I can’t remember fully I need to go back over my book of notes but someone said something along the lines of the love that our families have for us, times that by infinity and that’s how much the Savior loves us, each and everyone of us. Thinking of it like that shows me that the Savior’s love is astronomical and yet….unconditional. It doesn’t matter if you live in a box, a shoe, a mansion, if you’re the Jonas Brothers, William Hung or if you’re Ryan Lawter just waiting for his chance to make it big (which is coming btw, be on the look out for my debut) the Savior will always have the same love for us as He did when we walked with Him in the life before. It’s kind of hard to put in words how much I love each and every one of you and how much I love my Redeemer. He lives. He loves. He is the Shepard of us all and He is our example, He spoke of no evil and He did not touch an unclean thing and He performed the greatest act in history, perfectly, so that we might live again with Him for the space of eternity. He did so much for us and it was all in the act of love, in love for His brothers, in love for His sisters, and in love for His Father. I talk to people everyday on “Coming unto Christ,” but not only should we do that but we should be like Christ, in every way. It’s my prayer that we strive to do this and not only will it strengthen us and our testimonies but strengthen all those around us.
This last week has been excellent! General Conference, no flat tires, and the temp. has been around like the 60’s, it’s been perfect! Reminds me of good ol’ Missouri fall weather! Ees da best! I love it!
Well la familia I hope that you all have a good week and I hope that you are able to feel the love that I have for each of you and love that the Lord has for you! Love you always and am so proud to be your son, grandson, boyfriend, whatever title, I’m proud and so grateful that you’re my family and love me so much! Have a B-E-A-UTIFUL day and have fun!
All my love,
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Week 13: Crankypants.
Hey Mom and Dad,
So it sounds like it was a fun weekend with camping and fishing. It’s funny because just yesterday while we were walking my companion and I were talking about what some of our favorite things to do are and talked about our perfect and guess what I said…. Yep camping at the lake, riding bikes at 5 a.m, just the feeling and smells of camping that I remember going with grandma just take me back but that time will be here soon enough when EVERYONE can go camping again! Let’s go my first month home. Deal? Deal.
So this week was a crummy week. First off I woke up one morning with a really bad sore throat, which stuck with me for a few days, I’m over it now but it was bad! I just caught like a three day virus or something; my body was so sore and achy, had a lot of flem, it just wasn’t a fun thing especially when we went out biking in 100 degree weather, it was garbage, I felt like garbage but I stuck through it can’t believe I survived but I did. Another thing that happened this week was everyday it seemed like either Elder Morales or I got a flat tire on our bikes. Sweet Dedra it stunk! Plus we have to go buy stuff each time to repair it. It was just a Satan week this week. The worse day though was Friday. We were biking (mind you I was still feeling like poo) for like 10 miles to visit someone and it was 10 miles of pure hillage the whole stinkin way! But we were biking up this MASSIVE hill, better yet let’s call it a mountain, Mt. GINOURMOUS, and when we were probably half way up this mountain we heard this big POP and then pssssssssssss….. I looked and Elder Morales and I said don’t tell me… he ran over like a nail or something and it just dominated his tire. Not cool nail….not cool. So we then had to walk all the way up this hill then down it and up another hill then down and so on and so one. It was 100 degrees out I was sick and my legs were starting to shake because I was getting heat exhaustion but stupid me I still kept going. Luckily the house we were going to were members because we were eating lunch with them that day and it was too much farther from where we got the popped tire but it was not fun. I was a cranky pants like Whitney would say the whole time we were walking. So that was my week, oh and better yet when we were riding in the car with the other Spanish Elders we went to go get gas because we were below E and the little latch for the gas tank opener wasn’t opening haha it’s kind of funny now because its already happened but French it sucked while it was happening. So we tried starting the car to drive it to dealership which wasn’t too terribly far and guess what happened…… Uh ya car no start which make a Ryan upset. So we had to push the car a quarter of a mile to the dealership. I’d like to listen to someone who had a worse week than I did because I’m pretty sure I’m the winner for the crappiest week award but it just adds to my testimony. Why would the adversary work sooo hard to beat us down and to try and keep us from working? Because he knows how important this work is that we are doing. He knows it’s true so he’s doing everything in his power to try and prevent it but he’s just fighting a losing battle for himself. “Nothing will stop the work from moving forward.” I didn’t get too terribly frustrated this week because I know that all of these struggles were worth it and were going to be worth it in the future. So Sunday rolls around which was yesterday and we were waiting in the foyer and it just seemed like an army that walked through the doors just one right after the other, we had a lot of our investigators show up to church. It was such a blessing and sooo rewarding to see that all of our struggles and all of the trials that we went through this past week were worth it. “Today’s trial is tomorrow’s testimony.” How true that is. Through these past 3 months now I’ve been able to be apart of miracles, just absolute miracles, which has just strengthen my testimony even more and it just has solidified it in my hear. Se que Jesus es el Cristo. Se que Jose Smith esta un profeta de Dios.Se que El Libro de Mormon es verdadera con todo mi corazon. Se que nos Padre Celestial vive y tu hijo vive. Se que el evangelio es verdadera y es muy muy importante y muy especial. Yo dijo es cosas en el nobre de JesuCristo. Amen.
My testimonay in Spanish. I love all of you soo very much and I wish you the best weeks ever! (Or at least better than the week I had ) Keep on keeping on!
Much love,
So it sounds like it was a fun weekend with camping and fishing. It’s funny because just yesterday while we were walking my companion and I were talking about what some of our favorite things to do are and talked about our perfect and guess what I said…. Yep camping at the lake, riding bikes at 5 a.m, just the feeling and smells of camping that I remember going with grandma just take me back but that time will be here soon enough when EVERYONE can go camping again! Let’s go my first month home. Deal? Deal.
So this week was a crummy week. First off I woke up one morning with a really bad sore throat, which stuck with me for a few days, I’m over it now but it was bad! I just caught like a three day virus or something; my body was so sore and achy, had a lot of flem, it just wasn’t a fun thing especially when we went out biking in 100 degree weather, it was garbage, I felt like garbage but I stuck through it can’t believe I survived but I did. Another thing that happened this week was everyday it seemed like either Elder Morales or I got a flat tire on our bikes. Sweet Dedra it stunk! Plus we have to go buy stuff each time to repair it. It was just a Satan week this week. The worse day though was Friday. We were biking (mind you I was still feeling like poo) for like 10 miles to visit someone and it was 10 miles of pure hillage the whole stinkin way! But we were biking up this MASSIVE hill, better yet let’s call it a mountain, Mt. GINOURMOUS, and when we were probably half way up this mountain we heard this big POP and then pssssssssssss….. I looked and Elder Morales and I said don’t tell me… he ran over like a nail or something and it just dominated his tire. Not cool nail….not cool. So we then had to walk all the way up this hill then down it and up another hill then down and so on and so one. It was 100 degrees out I was sick and my legs were starting to shake because I was getting heat exhaustion but stupid me I still kept going. Luckily the house we were going to were members because we were eating lunch with them that day and it was too much farther from where we got the popped tire but it was not fun. I was a cranky pants like Whitney would say the whole time we were walking. So that was my week, oh and better yet when we were riding in the car with the other Spanish Elders we went to go get gas because we were below E and the little latch for the gas tank opener wasn’t opening haha it’s kind of funny now because its already happened but French it sucked while it was happening. So we tried starting the car to drive it to dealership which wasn’t too terribly far and guess what happened…… Uh ya car no start which make a Ryan upset. So we had to push the car a quarter of a mile to the dealership. I’d like to listen to someone who had a worse week than I did because I’m pretty sure I’m the winner for the crappiest week award but it just adds to my testimony. Why would the adversary work sooo hard to beat us down and to try and keep us from working? Because he knows how important this work is that we are doing. He knows it’s true so he’s doing everything in his power to try and prevent it but he’s just fighting a losing battle for himself. “Nothing will stop the work from moving forward.” I didn’t get too terribly frustrated this week because I know that all of these struggles were worth it and were going to be worth it in the future. So Sunday rolls around which was yesterday and we were waiting in the foyer and it just seemed like an army that walked through the doors just one right after the other, we had a lot of our investigators show up to church. It was such a blessing and sooo rewarding to see that all of our struggles and all of the trials that we went through this past week were worth it. “Today’s trial is tomorrow’s testimony.” How true that is. Through these past 3 months now I’ve been able to be apart of miracles, just absolute miracles, which has just strengthen my testimony even more and it just has solidified it in my hear. Se que Jesus es el Cristo. Se que Jose Smith esta un profeta de Dios.Se que El Libro de Mormon es verdadera con todo mi corazon. Se que nos Padre Celestial vive y tu hijo vive. Se que el evangelio es verdadera y es muy muy importante y muy especial. Yo dijo es cosas en el nobre de JesuCristo. Amen.
My testimonay in Spanish. I love all of you soo very much and I wish you the best weeks ever! (Or at least better than the week I had ) Keep on keeping on!
Much love,
Monday, September 21, 2009
Week 12....12 weeks is THREE MONTHS!!!
Hey Fam,
How’s everything going? Everything here is well…..everything. Things aren’t too bad, it’s kind of slow going but it’s still going. We had one of our investigators his name is Manuel, he came to church yesterday and was so excited to go home and to tell his family about it. I told Manuel after church I said, “Uno mas clase,” (man my Spanish is bomb) and he got really really excited so I kind of felt bad because I was just kidding but he’s all kinds of fired up about church and being baptized even! He’s come a LONG way since last transfer. Elder Law and I went there every now and then but he wouldn’t do anything, we’d tell him to come to church, he’d say yes then he’d be a no show, said he’d read on his own, Newp, said he’d pray everynight, Nice try. Just all these promises that he would make with us he would never do but now he’s reading, he prays every time we come over which is a HUGE step for that small man (he’s like only 5’ 2”, so dad it could be worse) but he came to church yesterday, we fellowshipped him with a couple in the branch and he and his family went to FHE last night with the couple and we didn’t even know about it! So he’s pretty much boss now. He’s a hoot too! Oh he even quite drinking so the loser boozer side of him is out the door. So things are going really well with him. We have a few others that are doing magnificent it’s just a struggle to get people to church because most of the Mexicans we teach don’t have that much money and they have to work on Sundays so that’s probably the hardest thing to see for me is someone that embraces the gospel sooo much but just can’t make it to church because they need the money, but the everyday good out weighs the everyday bad hands down. I’ve loved my mission so far, I guess because I just love people. I love watching them, talking to them, helping them, and seeing what walk of life they’ve come from. I’ve heard just absolute nightmare stories and for me to be a light in their life brings me a lot of happiness and it’s helped me through the mission process and it’s helped time go by faster because I love what I’m doing and the people I serve. It’s a blessing in itself to see others being blessed by the gospel. It’s fun, I love it, it’s da best.
Oh before I forget could you also send me my Fighting Temptations CD, my Josh Groban Christmas CD, and any Disney CD that I have, they should be either in my car or on my CD case that I have beside my desk. That would be awesome if you could do that, I love Mo Tab but I need a little bit more rhythm and spice in my life.
It’s sweet to hear about your callings. Both major responsibilities but I can’t think of anyone more qualified than me peepa and mama! I’m proud of you. I have told you lately that I love you both too? I really do! Both of you SOO much! Thank you for raising me, for taking care of me and giving me fooooood I like that last part. And just thank you for loving me. I wouldn’t be where I’m at and I wouldn’t be going where I’m going without your guidance and support and this goes to the g-rents too. I feel so blessed to have so much love and support behind me and this also goes to the g-friend too but I’m so lucky to have all of you and this goes to the g-friends parents as well….freak you know what this goes out to everyone! Thank you!! I love you all sooo dearly and appreciate you all soo much. Each and everyone of you have a special place in my heart and I want you all to know that! I hope that you all have a good week and I will be sitting in this seat again next Monday! (Hopefully with a few baptisms to talk about! We’re close!)
Ok love you all!
Hasta Luego,
How’s everything going? Everything here is well…..everything. Things aren’t too bad, it’s kind of slow going but it’s still going. We had one of our investigators his name is Manuel, he came to church yesterday and was so excited to go home and to tell his family about it. I told Manuel after church I said, “Uno mas clase,” (man my Spanish is bomb) and he got really really excited so I kind of felt bad because I was just kidding but he’s all kinds of fired up about church and being baptized even! He’s come a LONG way since last transfer. Elder Law and I went there every now and then but he wouldn’t do anything, we’d tell him to come to church, he’d say yes then he’d be a no show, said he’d read on his own, Newp, said he’d pray everynight, Nice try. Just all these promises that he would make with us he would never do but now he’s reading, he prays every time we come over which is a HUGE step for that small man (he’s like only 5’ 2”, so dad it could be worse) but he came to church yesterday, we fellowshipped him with a couple in the branch and he and his family went to FHE last night with the couple and we didn’t even know about it! So he’s pretty much boss now. He’s a hoot too! Oh he even quite drinking so the loser boozer side of him is out the door. So things are going really well with him. We have a few others that are doing magnificent it’s just a struggle to get people to church because most of the Mexicans we teach don’t have that much money and they have to work on Sundays so that’s probably the hardest thing to see for me is someone that embraces the gospel sooo much but just can’t make it to church because they need the money, but the everyday good out weighs the everyday bad hands down. I’ve loved my mission so far, I guess because I just love people. I love watching them, talking to them, helping them, and seeing what walk of life they’ve come from. I’ve heard just absolute nightmare stories and for me to be a light in their life brings me a lot of happiness and it’s helped me through the mission process and it’s helped time go by faster because I love what I’m doing and the people I serve. It’s a blessing in itself to see others being blessed by the gospel. It’s fun, I love it, it’s da best.
Oh before I forget could you also send me my Fighting Temptations CD, my Josh Groban Christmas CD, and any Disney CD that I have, they should be either in my car or on my CD case that I have beside my desk. That would be awesome if you could do that, I love Mo Tab but I need a little bit more rhythm and spice in my life.
It’s sweet to hear about your callings. Both major responsibilities but I can’t think of anyone more qualified than me peepa and mama! I’m proud of you. I have told you lately that I love you both too? I really do! Both of you SOO much! Thank you for raising me, for taking care of me and giving me fooooood I like that last part. And just thank you for loving me. I wouldn’t be where I’m at and I wouldn’t be going where I’m going without your guidance and support and this goes to the g-rents too. I feel so blessed to have so much love and support behind me and this also goes to the g-friend too but I’m so lucky to have all of you and this goes to the g-friends parents as well….freak you know what this goes out to everyone! Thank you!! I love you all sooo dearly and appreciate you all soo much. Each and everyone of you have a special place in my heart and I want you all to know that! I hope that you all have a good week and I will be sitting in this seat again next Monday! (Hopefully with a few baptisms to talk about! We’re close!)
Ok love you all!
Hasta Luego,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
More pictures!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hello Everyone,
How's it been? Things have been going pretty well, just adjusting to the new apartment, riding a bike (wearing a helmet too, jee helmets I never knew how dumb helmets looked), getting use to my new companion so it's been a big change from last transfer. I'm glad that your getting my letters, for some reason I always pick the bi-polar computers that are dumb but atleast there's the good ol' postal service! So how's everything back in Missouri anything exciting happening? Nothing much here I feel like I don't have any real good stories but I'll tell you about a woman that we've been seeing. Her name is Ramona, we taught her when Elder Law and I were companions and she was really nice but didn't think that she would go anywhere, we just thought that she was being nice to us. So anyways, Elder Morales my new comp. and I have been seeing her every week and she's made some huge strides! We met with her one day and I had the feeling to share 2 Nephi 31 with her so we did and she started to tear up and said "This book, this chapter was made for me, I know it's true, I've prayed about this and I'm going to get baptized." To hear this from her was nothing short of a miracle. She's been going through alot of struggles with her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend so things haven't been going to well so she said that our timing, our message is perfect. We were sooo stoked after we heard that, so when we went back we shared Alma 32 that speaks about the parable of the seed, and once again she said "this is for me, this was written for my eyes." Such a blessing it is to see the Spirit enter in to a heart of a person, there's nothing more powerful than a person who finds out that the church is the true gospel of Christ. Almost makes me want to cry. So it's been a really good week. Progression is wonderful to see.
Oh while I'm thinking of it so I don't forget could you (if you can find it) send me the flash drive that I had for school, or in non-technilogical terms the memory holder thingy, that'll probably make more sense to you. What I'm gonna do is transfer my pics onto that so A.) I don't have to delete the pics off my memory and B.) I won't have to go buy a new memory card. So if you could find that, that would be awesome!
Oh how's the temple going in Kansas City? Have they broke ground yet or anything? What's the good word? I kind of hope they delay it a little bit so i can go to the open house! Speaking of temple I got to go again last week! I don't know if I told you that in my last letter but it was awesome. Once again. That's all.
How's the Kearney football team doing by the way? Football's crazy out here! There seriously is no one out on the streets because of the Chargers and the football games. All the missionaries dread football season becuase no one will talk to us or do anything because they're so wrapped up in fooseball. Gay but not suprising. How are the Chiefs doing too? As long as they win at least one then it's been a good year!
There's really not much going on in El Cajon alls we do is work work work but it's going pretty fair. Funny story actually, there's alot of Jehovah's Witnesses out here so we get to deal with them alot and their die-hard believers and I guess it was all over the news but a Jehovah's Witness Priest or something hi-jacked a plane so when ever we're talking to someone whose Jehovah's Witness we just manage to slip that into the conversation.
Eating's going good, do I look really skinny in my pictures or something? Both you and Whitney have said something along the lines on if I'm eating enough. Don't worry this boy gets his fill, especially at members houses (they're a little too generous at times) but I think it's just from not working-out that I look way skinny. I went out and bought me a pull-up bar to stick in the doorway so hopefully I can get back to where I was. Clothes are good too, laundry's sweet because we have our own washer and dryer so if I ever need something washed I just make my companion do it then. I'm diggin our compaionship. Spanish is going pretty rough though. It's at the point where I'm so frustrated because my Spanish is limited that I just want to learn it all in a day. I'm usually pretty patient and I know it's going to take some time but French it stinks sometimes to not know the language but I'm not complainin, just workin.
It's crazy that we have 8 missionaries from our ward! I didn't think that we had that many! Let's see there's Yours truely, Barry, Troy, Chauncey, the Simpson girl, Brian, another boy I can't remember his name, but whose the other? That's soo cool though. Hopefully there will be more coming up thanks to your mission prep class for the deacons Dad! It's really neat to be around so many missionaries! Weird at sometimes but very neat.
If there's any advice I have for this week it's just to smile. Smile during everything. Smile when you're going to work, smile when you wake up, smile when you get mustard on your shirt, just smile :) "Nothing is ever as bad as it seems." It will make a difference. I promise you!
Welp family I hope and pray that you have a good week! And that you smile every chance you get! I love you all sooo very much and appreciate ALL of you too! Take care and don't forget to smile! :)
With all my love,
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