The nicest smelling bum Ryan's ever met

Isn't he handsome?

He stepped on a nail! Poor guy!

He wanted to show us the nail, and how worn out his shoes are after only 4 months!

Ryan's caption to this picture was, "If you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true."-from the movie Napoleon Dynamite

Going on a morning hike!

Branch Halloween party
I also thought I'd share a funny story that Ryan told me in his latest letter that made me laugh out loud when I read it! Typical Ryan!
"So Elder Morales and I were biking through a neighborhood, enjoying the nice day then this little pip-squeak dog, a poodle I think, came chasing after me. I was like sweet deedra! and started peddling faster but the dog kept running so after almost running over the dog like 9 times, I finally said ok this isn't gonna work. I looked up and there was a parked car in the street so I inched over as close as I could to just barely miss the car. Mind you the dog is still running, barking, all of his attentions on me. You remember watching those stupid cat videos where the cats run into everything? Well this was like the AFV $10,000 winner. That dog freakin nailed the bumper of that car. Thud!!!! hahaha! Probably one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. Little kujo was down and out. My perfect little evil plan worked. So picture that story in your head...ya that's exactly how it was. Hahaha....I was crying I was laughing so hard. I can't stop laughing now!"
Some things never change, huh? Glad to know he's still got that same sense of humor :)
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