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Ryan's MTC District!! Ryan is 3rd from the left. His companions (Elder Hall and Elder Burbank) are squatting in front!
Elder Hall and Elder Lawter are the only 2 in their district going to San Diego
Elder Lawter's District again...Ryan is District Leader! He is standing 2nd from right, kind of in the back.
Hey!So here it is the P-day email. It seems so crazy that it's already been a week since I last emailed! They weren't kidding when they say that your mission just blows by! I'll be in San Diego next time I email! Insane! I've meet lots of people here and have cultivated alot of friendships! It's going to be sad when Elder Hall and I leave for San Diego and the rest of our district leaves for New Mexico. I don't know if I told you this but my district consists of nine elders and only Elder Hall and I are the only ones going to San Diego, so it's going to be a little bit sad seeing our friends leave but we'll see them either in this life or the next and we can talk all about our missions! Oh don't know if I told you this either I don't know how it slipped my mind but I was our district leader here at the MTC! haha a little late notice but it was cool. I got a letter from the President of the MTC thanking me for my service as district leader. I'm gonna send the letter home so you can look at it. Right now I'm just in the insanly hot laundry room on the computer, sweating as we speak! The last week has been full of sweet things. I got to teach a few lessons; one about the Book of Mormon and another about baptism they we're both really cool! But I think the coolest experince happened last monday a few days ago when my companions and I taught an investigator at our TA (Teaching Appointment). Well to start the story we only had like a day to learn the WHOLE second lesson, find scriputres and be able to teach it! Talk about PAH..RESSURE! I wasn't nervous but a little uncertain how the whole thing would turn out. So we got there and about 5 minutes before we were about to teach the lesson to our investigator (his name was Johnathan and we taught him the first lesson the week before) our teacher came to us and told us he was a no show but they had some one else lined up. So we were like crap! We don't know nothing about this person, what her story is, what her concerns are, so it was pretty much a blind-date, a gospel blind-date! So before we went in my companions were freaking! I told em' just chill and let's say a prayer, so we said a prayer and they were still shakin like a salt shaker. So by this point I kind of anticipated me teaching most of the lesson becuase they were like a deer in the headlight. So we went in and it was amazing! I taught for the most part and it was incredible! Here at the MTC they always say just open your mouth and let the Spirit guide and that's what happend! The words just poured out like I've been teaching since April 23, 1990. The best part was when I told the lady to repent. haha. I said it as bodly as I could. There was no beating around the bush on this baby, I went straight for the kill. I told her that it was imparative that she takes full advantage of the Atonement, repents and prays about baptism. Her eyes got so big like out of shock and that was exactly the respose I was looking for. I didn't want her to take this subject lightly becuase the Atonement IS the gospel, not apart of it. She said that it was shocking and a little harsh how I put it but the more I talked to her the more she accepted the fact that yea, I do need to make a change and come unto Christ. I bore my testimony of the blessings that is in store for her if she keeps her commitments and she was like on the brink of crying. When we got out I was on cloud 9! One of the best if not THE best experince I've had here! I felt like a true messenger of God. This week is going to go by so fast and like-wise starting tuesday these two years are gonna blow by! NO DOUBTY! So speaking of me calling, I'm fairly sure I'll get to call so tell Whitney, Grandma, Grandpa, Callie, Annie, Murph, Duncan, whoever to crowd around the phone! I should be calling anywhere from 8-10 your time! I look forward to talking so much! Welp I've only got a minute left on my timer, stupid thing! But this will be the last time I have only 30 min to e-mail cuz I'll be in Sunny San Diego! Well I love you all mucho mucho! Mom, Dad, Grandma(s), Grandpa(s), Whitney! Everyone! OLOve yuou
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