What's on Fam,
How was Thanksgiving. It was kind of a hectic week this week for me; had Thanksgiving on Thursday, transfers on Friday so it's been kind of crazy but it's all good. So yea I'm still in El Cajon.....on bike......with Elder Morales....it's all the same game, nothings really changed. Kinda wanted to head out to Brawley but it's all good here. President Donaldson said something cool at transfers, he said you're called to a people not an area. So there's a reason why I'm staying and I think that I found it out. Recently we've been teaching a kid named Christian, I don't know if I've talked about him before but he's pretty sweet. Just a really cool kid that I feel we can help turn his life in the right direction. He's been through a lot with parents divorce, life, where he's at and he's just really confussed, doesn't really know where he wants to go in life or anything but he's set on listening to us and reading and looking for direciton in the right place. So I think that's why I've been here for 6 months to teach him and help him, he speaks English and is just one of two who is fluent in English out of all our investigators. So I'm way stoked for this month and hopefully we'll have a good Christmas present with a baptism. Other than that, not a whole lot going down here in big El Cajon. Thanksgiving was pretty good, we went to a members house for a bit ate....and ate...and ate....and ate so now that I'm 40 lbs heavier things are good....it's a good thing I'm on bike. But then after dinner we went to the stake center for the transfer pinata, where we find out who's getting transfered, so it was a pretty good day, couldn't help but think of home and being inside playing games and such but that's ok only one more thanksgiving away. So the work is going pretty good, the area's kind of struggling but that's why I'm called here, to roll up the sleves and get to work. Well sorry this e-mail is going to be kind of short but we've got to go and get a few things done before our luncheon appointment with the old ladies, so I will talk to next monday and hopfully have a lot more to talk about. So have a good week and a good start to the Christmas season! Love you all!
-Elder Lawter
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Uno Mas
Monday, November 23, 2009
Gobble Gobble!
To whom it may concern,
(I’m starting to run out of ideas for my opening header)
How’s everyone doing this gobble gobble week? Can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving and the holidays, sure doesn’t feel like it! Time is starting to take off and the mission is starting to fly by! My week was pretty good. Didn’t fall on my face this week or get veggies chucked at me which is a plus so it made for a fairly decent week. Let’s see last Monday a bunch of us missionaries got together and played some football until we couldn’t see any more which was a lot of fun, reminds me of playing at Grandpa and Grandma’s house until dinner was ready then I would; come in, eat, and then go right back out with all the other punks until the sun went down. It just feels good to be a kid again sometimes, actually all the time for me but that was a blast. Then Monday night through Tuesday, I went on exchanges with Elder Ulrich because I don’t know if I’m going to be staying or going, I actually might be staying after talking to Elder Ulrich but I’ll know for sure on transfer day which is this Friday. Exchanges was sooo much fun! Elder Ulrich is such a sweet and chill guy, we went and visited a lot of people, in a car! Went and ate some bbq (kind of disappointing compared to KC’s bbq but it was still good to get some bbq in me instead of Mexican food that burns holes in my stomach), and just had fun doin work. It was great to get to teach some people in English, kind of made me want to be switched back to an English Elder but I know that’s not my calling, my calling is Spanish for a reason, it’s just hard to have patience when you’re in the thick of things. It’s a struggle everyday but I love it. Yesterday we got to finally teach a kid that we’ve been trying to track down for a week or two and it was such a spiritual experience and lesson! The kid’s name is Christian, he’s a senior in school, plays soccer, and works a lot to help support his family so I can see where his busyness comes from but he’s one of the sweetest guys that I’ve had the blessing of teaching. He’s actually a friend of my recent convert, Edson and that’s where we first met him and got to talking to him about the gospel was at Edson’s house because Edson wasn’t home, we started talking to him and it’s so amazing the paths that Heavenly Father takes us on and the people that are just so ready to hear the message of the restored gospel and you can just tell that this man is so ready and willing! It’s awesome. But we were talking to him last night, getting to know him better and just his background in life and he’s just the normal kid; going to school, not knowing what he wants to do in life, might join the military. He’s just at the crossroads in his and he’s looking for direction and it’s cool because he said that he’s looking for spiritual direction as well, so I pulled out the Book Of Mormon and started talking to him about it and how in a world full of confusion and turmoil the Book of Mormon is there to guide us, to direction us, to comfort us, and to answer sooo many questions that we desire to know; like where to we come from? Is there more to life? What my purpose in this life? Where do my family and I go after we die? Just questions of the soul that we all ask ourselves and the Book of Mormon is there give us the answer to those questions and right after I started talking to him about the Book of Mormon and before I even committed him to read and pray about it, he looked me in the eye and said “I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll read this book cover to cover and find out if what you are telling me is true or not.” I was like ooooh baby, this guy is sweet! So yea that’s pretty much our first lesson with him in a nut-shell, he’s just so willing and you can tell that he’s searching for direction and truth in his life, so I’ll let you know how it goes with my main man ray. But yeah doesn’t sound like an amazing week but to me it was! So I hope that you all have amazing weeks and have a good thanksgiving and are able to appreciate the many things in life that we hold so dear to us and are so grateful for. So cherish the moments and cherish the blessings in your lives and don’t take any of it for granted.
Love you all and will talk with you LITERALLY ON THE PHONE soon!!!!
Much Love,
(I’m starting to run out of ideas for my opening header)
How’s everyone doing this gobble gobble week? Can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving and the holidays, sure doesn’t feel like it! Time is starting to take off and the mission is starting to fly by! My week was pretty good. Didn’t fall on my face this week or get veggies chucked at me which is a plus so it made for a fairly decent week. Let’s see last Monday a bunch of us missionaries got together and played some football until we couldn’t see any more which was a lot of fun, reminds me of playing at Grandpa and Grandma’s house until dinner was ready then I would; come in, eat, and then go right back out with all the other punks until the sun went down. It just feels good to be a kid again sometimes, actually all the time for me but that was a blast. Then Monday night through Tuesday, I went on exchanges with Elder Ulrich because I don’t know if I’m going to be staying or going, I actually might be staying after talking to Elder Ulrich but I’ll know for sure on transfer day which is this Friday. Exchanges was sooo much fun! Elder Ulrich is such a sweet and chill guy, we went and visited a lot of people, in a car! Went and ate some bbq (kind of disappointing compared to KC’s bbq but it was still good to get some bbq in me instead of Mexican food that burns holes in my stomach), and just had fun doin work. It was great to get to teach some people in English, kind of made me want to be switched back to an English Elder but I know that’s not my calling, my calling is Spanish for a reason, it’s just hard to have patience when you’re in the thick of things. It’s a struggle everyday but I love it. Yesterday we got to finally teach a kid that we’ve been trying to track down for a week or two and it was such a spiritual experience and lesson! The kid’s name is Christian, he’s a senior in school, plays soccer, and works a lot to help support his family so I can see where his busyness comes from but he’s one of the sweetest guys that I’ve had the blessing of teaching. He’s actually a friend of my recent convert, Edson and that’s where we first met him and got to talking to him about the gospel was at Edson’s house because Edson wasn’t home, we started talking to him and it’s so amazing the paths that Heavenly Father takes us on and the people that are just so ready to hear the message of the restored gospel and you can just tell that this man is so ready and willing! It’s awesome. But we were talking to him last night, getting to know him better and just his background in life and he’s just the normal kid; going to school, not knowing what he wants to do in life, might join the military. He’s just at the crossroads in his and he’s looking for direction and it’s cool because he said that he’s looking for spiritual direction as well, so I pulled out the Book Of Mormon and started talking to him about it and how in a world full of confusion and turmoil the Book of Mormon is there to guide us, to direction us, to comfort us, and to answer sooo many questions that we desire to know; like where to we come from? Is there more to life? What my purpose in this life? Where do my family and I go after we die? Just questions of the soul that we all ask ourselves and the Book of Mormon is there give us the answer to those questions and right after I started talking to him about the Book of Mormon and before I even committed him to read and pray about it, he looked me in the eye and said “I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll read this book cover to cover and find out if what you are telling me is true or not.” I was like ooooh baby, this guy is sweet! So yea that’s pretty much our first lesson with him in a nut-shell, he’s just so willing and you can tell that he’s searching for direction and truth in his life, so I’ll let you know how it goes with my main man ray. But yeah doesn’t sound like an amazing week but to me it was! So I hope that you all have amazing weeks and have a good thanksgiving and are able to appreciate the many things in life that we hold so dear to us and are so grateful for. So cherish the moments and cherish the blessings in your lives and don’t take any of it for granted.
Love you all and will talk with you LITERALLY ON THE PHONE soon!!!!
Much Love,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Word from your movie star,How’s everyone doing!? So last Friday was my big reality show premier, and I just shined on stage like a diamond in the sun. Ok so a little exaggeration but it was really good, I made some comments in the zone conference that was filmed so we’ll see if they actually make the cut. We filmed for 3 hours and they are going to cut it all the way down to 12 minutes or something like that, so a long time filmin just for 12 minutes but it was fun and good too, we talked about commitments and invitations in our zone conference with President Donaldson, that man is genius, genius, genius! I just love getting insights and learning from him. Then after zone conference we had our interviews for transfers, which was BOSS!! So president brought me in and was asking me about how the branch is doing and to be quite honest it’s not, it’s going down hill and it’s hard to get the members to help us out, so he gave Elder Morales and I the assignment to work with as many less-active members as we can and try to build up the branch as much as we can, “before we leave.” President Donaldson told me he said, “you know why you got switched?” I was like uhhhhh…. He said “It’s because we needed you as fast as we could so we had to get you out here fast and then switch you.” He told me that the Spanish work here in San Diego is about to go through the roof and there’s going to be a lot of new areas opening up and a lot of things going on and he told me that he needed me. So he challenged be to just blitz my Spanish so that I can do all I can to help these new areas and branches open up. So chances are that I’m not going to be sticking around El Cajon any more, which excites me. I’m so ready to get out of this are and to go some where else, particularly, cough, cough the desert. President pretty much told me that there’s going to be a branch opening up in Brawley and that he needs me out there to usher it in so to speak so I’m way excited to go out to the desert! There’s not much out there…..which reminds me of Holt so yea I can’t wait! Now this is just speculation but ya I’m like 92% sure. The only bad thing about the desert is I’ll only get mail like every 3 weeks which is really tough but it’ll be like Christmas with all the letters on that 3rd P-day. So yea…..the desert.So my week has been a-ok. Some funny things happened for one I wrecked my bike got all bloodied up yea it was cool. I won’t go into any details but it was a one man wreck meaning I need training wheels, I flew over the handle bars meaning I need a seat belt, and I ate a lot of pavement meaning I should have got stitches, I probably should’ve actually on my chin, it was a pretty good gash but I just threw a band-aid on it and called it good, it doesn’t look too shabby. Only bad part is I still look like Jay Leno and it’s still it hurts but I think I’m fine. So that was on Thursday, then on Saturday, you know how people always yell at us here….Well I was waiting for it to happen but they finally threw something at us bet you’ll never guess what it was……..Yea it was carrots and celery, who throws carrots and celery!? I mean honestly? The funny thing was though there was a kid with a dominos sign across the street and they threw their vegetable bombs at him to but he shielded himself with his sign haha. Buncha punks here but it’s a memory.So that was my fantastic week other than that, things are going smoothly. I hope that everyone has a smooth week and watch out for flying those vegetables. I love you all and will talk to you next week!Much love, all my love,Elder Lawter (Ryan)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hey family,Sorry you got this email pretty late but this morning I got to go to da ZOOOOO! It was sooo boss. Elder Ulrich and Elder Layton acquired some free tickets for Elder Morales and I and then there were 8 others, so 12 missionaries total at the zoo today and for some of the time I think that we were a bigger attraction than the monkeys, people just can’t help but stare. I don’t mind it really, they look at me and I just stare right back and smile. So this week was a fairly good one, a slower week than others but it was still pretty good. Remember last week when I was talking about Edson and him not wanting to talk to us, well we got a call on fri. and one of his friends told us that Edson got a DUI and that his parents are kicking him out of the house. So I don’t know if he feels guilty to talk to us or what but at least there’s a reason why now, so we’re going to stop by a lot this week and see if he will talk to us or if we can find out where he’s staying. Oh mom can you send me that blue and grey gap vest as well as any other sweater that I have, at nights it get pretty chilwey wiwwey bikin around and also the Sister Act 2 cd (if you can find it). Thanks! And thanks for the CDs last week, the Elvis ones are off the chain! Never thought I’d workout to Elvis but I do every morning, it’s crazy good.It’s weird hearing about the stake presidency being changed around, it’s going to be especially weird getting my exit interview by some guy I don’t even know instead of President Leinhart but I’m not gonna complain either way when I’m home.So how was Elder Nelson? That’s pretty sweet you being so close to an apostle, kinda jealous not gonna lie but I got some pretty cool news myself. So you know a few weeks ago when I was talking about the camera crew here in the mission documenting us to replace the Preach My Gospel videos well not only was I filmed last night at the Charla in San Diego but our zone is going to be holding a special zone conference that’s going to be filmed on Friday! It’s about time I get some camera action. Ha na it doesn’t bother me at all actually I think I’d be really uncomfortable with cameras following me everywhere I went so just a few times of being on camera is enough for me. So I heard briefly about the shooting down in Texas, pretty crazy what all happened exactly? I feel kind of weird being out of the news loop but then again it’s kind of nice to be solely focused on one thing, one very important thing and just let the world and troubles keep turning. I see it everyday. I see it in the streets and I see it in the people’s eyes. It’s sad to see and to talk to so many people that just literally have nothing and here I am with it all. I count my many blessings and am so grateful for all that I have.So random thought about being out of the loop, I didn’t even know that Bryce and Lauren were a thing. Uhhhhhhhhh when did this “officially” happen? Lauren H. right? Man my friends need to write me and give me the 411. So there’s not really much else going on just same ol’same ol’ missionary work, we’re coming up on the end of transfer 3 that’s almost 6 months! ¼ of the way home but still more to go which is good. I’m having fun, I’m enjoying myself, as I think everyone should be, if you can’t enjoy your life and what you’re doing then what’s the point of doin it? I’m grateful for my opportunity to serve as well as the many other opportunities and blessings on those opportunities. It’s all good and it’s all worth it. Just keep truckin forward and never look back. I love you all and pray for the bestest week of yo livessss. Much love,Ryan
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The nicest smelling bum Ryan's ever met

Isn't he handsome?

He stepped on a nail! Poor guy!

He wanted to show us the nail, and how worn out his shoes are after only 4 months!

Ryan's caption to this picture was, "If you vote for me, all your wildest dreams will come true."-from the movie Napoleon Dynamite

Going on a morning hike!

Branch Halloween party
I also thought I'd share a funny story that Ryan told me in his latest letter that made me laugh out loud when I read it! Typical Ryan!
"So Elder Morales and I were biking through a neighborhood, enjoying the nice day then this little pip-squeak dog, a poodle I think, came chasing after me. I was like sweet deedra! and started peddling faster but the dog kept running so after almost running over the dog like 9 times, I finally said ok this isn't gonna work. I looked up and there was a parked car in the street so I inched over as close as I could to just barely miss the car. Mind you the dog is still running, barking, all of his attentions on me. You remember watching those stupid cat videos where the cats run into everything? Well this was like the AFV $10,000 winner. That dog freakin nailed the bumper of that car. Thud!!!! hahaha! Probably one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. Little kujo was down and out. My perfect little evil plan worked. So picture that story in your head...ya that's exactly how it was. Hahaha....I was crying I was laughing so hard. I can't stop laughing now!"
Some things never change, huh? Glad to know he's still got that same sense of humor :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Helllllooo everyone,
How's everything going? Things are well in El Cajon, kind of chilly actually, it was in the low 60's a few days last week! It feels nice for a change! So it really bums me out to find out about Aunt Maryln but there’s also comfort and peace to be found to. This past week my recent convert Edson pretty much dropped us, doesn’t want to see us, doesn’t want anything to do with us and it hurts, not as much as losing Aunt Maryln but it just made my whole day horrible. I couldn’t get over it until…I thought of what could comfort me most and pick me up… so I read and prayed. I felt so much more joy and happiness in a place that anyone can ALWAYS find much joy and happiness….the scriptures. The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ IS without a doubt, a message of joy and happiness that comes from the knowledge that Christ lives, that He suffered and willingly sacrificed the greatest sacrifice so that we may live again. There’s a few videos that I found that are videos from living apostles of the Lord and I think that they can say it a whole lot better than I can.
because Christ suffered for us, we may have the knowledge that we are never alone. Through our darkest times and our deepest sorrow we may have the surety that God is closer to us than He has ever been, He’s right there beside us where He always is, and He’s watching over us and holding our hand and He always will. We are not alone. God weeps when we weep, He wants the very best for us and all that He has and because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we are able to obtain all that He has. He is literally our Savior and Redeemer, Salvation cannot come through us alone but through His atoning blood. There’s no doubt in my mind that Aunt Marlyn is in a better place, a place of happiness and rest from all cares.
it’s the best remedy, to laugh. Laughter not only is good for the soul but it’s good for the souls around. I sent a package out to Whitney last tue. Or wed. something like that and on Sat. I went to the Mission office where all the mail comes in and I saw that there was a package for me, in the same box that I sent Whitney. I thought jeez that’s creepy I just sent out a box just like that, then I got closer and saw Whitney’s name on it and thought cripes that’s even creepier, she sent the same box and for some odd reason wrote the addresses in my hand writing style…..Then it finally dawned on me. I mixed up the addresses and sent the package to myself! Haha It’s times like those that you can either get mad or you can just laugh it off. Lucky for me I realize that I’m a ding-dong and I just laughed and laughed haha so sweets your package is coming….it’s just got delayed a little bit because I wanted the goodies in the box but I guess I better send em’ back. Haha. Live. Love. Laugh. You can’t have one without the other.
I’m soooo sooo very grateful for all that I’ve been given. I have been blessed with a loving EVERYTHING. A loving family, An eternally loving Heavenly Father, A loving Savior, loving friends. I count my blessings every night and I have been truly given so much. I realize as well as Whitney too, we’ve realized since I’ve been gone “the little things in life.” There are many things that I take for granted everyday that some people don’t have. I have my health, an education, I can do little tasks that are near impossible for others to do and I’m so grateful for the many things that I have been blessed with in my life.
I have a divine testimony of the word and gospel in which I’m teaching. I know that through our lives we ALL go through heartache and sorrow but whatever the case maybe the Gospel of Jesus Christ can and will help anyone, anywhere, at anytime. My plea is that we laugh a little more, that we love a little harder, and that we give thanks to all the many things that we have because not everyday is promised but there is promise for comfort and strength through all that we go through. This email went in a total different direction than I was planning but know that I love each and everyone of you but most importantly Heavenly Father and His perfect son Jesus Christ loves all and knows what each of us is going through. I hope that you all have a good week and Live. Love. Laugh.
How's everything going? Things are well in El Cajon, kind of chilly actually, it was in the low 60's a few days last week! It feels nice for a change! So it really bums me out to find out about Aunt Maryln but there’s also comfort and peace to be found to. This past week my recent convert Edson pretty much dropped us, doesn’t want to see us, doesn’t want anything to do with us and it hurts, not as much as losing Aunt Maryln but it just made my whole day horrible. I couldn’t get over it until…I thought of what could comfort me most and pick me up… so I read and prayed. I felt so much more joy and happiness in a place that anyone can ALWAYS find much joy and happiness….the scriptures. The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ IS without a doubt, a message of joy and happiness that comes from the knowledge that Christ lives, that He suffered and willingly sacrificed the greatest sacrifice so that we may live again. There’s a few videos that I found that are videos from living apostles of the Lord and I think that they can say it a whole lot better than I can.
because Christ suffered for us, we may have the knowledge that we are never alone. Through our darkest times and our deepest sorrow we may have the surety that God is closer to us than He has ever been, He’s right there beside us where He always is, and He’s watching over us and holding our hand and He always will. We are not alone. God weeps when we weep, He wants the very best for us and all that He has and because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we are able to obtain all that He has. He is literally our Savior and Redeemer, Salvation cannot come through us alone but through His atoning blood. There’s no doubt in my mind that Aunt Marlyn is in a better place, a place of happiness and rest from all cares.
it’s the best remedy, to laugh. Laughter not only is good for the soul but it’s good for the souls around. I sent a package out to Whitney last tue. Or wed. something like that and on Sat. I went to the Mission office where all the mail comes in and I saw that there was a package for me, in the same box that I sent Whitney. I thought jeez that’s creepy I just sent out a box just like that, then I got closer and saw Whitney’s name on it and thought cripes that’s even creepier, she sent the same box and for some odd reason wrote the addresses in my hand writing style…..Then it finally dawned on me. I mixed up the addresses and sent the package to myself! Haha It’s times like those that you can either get mad or you can just laugh it off. Lucky for me I realize that I’m a ding-dong and I just laughed and laughed haha so sweets your package is coming….it’s just got delayed a little bit because I wanted the goodies in the box but I guess I better send em’ back. Haha. Live. Love. Laugh. You can’t have one without the other.
I’m soooo sooo very grateful for all that I’ve been given. I have been blessed with a loving EVERYTHING. A loving family, An eternally loving Heavenly Father, A loving Savior, loving friends. I count my blessings every night and I have been truly given so much. I realize as well as Whitney too, we’ve realized since I’ve been gone “the little things in life.” There are many things that I take for granted everyday that some people don’t have. I have my health, an education, I can do little tasks that are near impossible for others to do and I’m so grateful for the many things that I have been blessed with in my life.
I have a divine testimony of the word and gospel in which I’m teaching. I know that through our lives we ALL go through heartache and sorrow but whatever the case maybe the Gospel of Jesus Christ can and will help anyone, anywhere, at anytime. My plea is that we laugh a little more, that we love a little harder, and that we give thanks to all the many things that we have because not everyday is promised but there is promise for comfort and strength through all that we go through. This email went in a total different direction than I was planning but know that I love each and everyone of you but most importantly Heavenly Father and His perfect son Jesus Christ loves all and knows what each of us is going through. I hope that you all have a good week and Live. Love. Laugh.
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