Thursday, June 3, 2010

Goooood Moooorning Vietnam!

Ok so for one you’re probably not in Vietnam, it’s probably Missouri and two it’s probably not even the morning but I just felt like saying that for some reason… I think that movie got in my head because we saw a paper today that said the U.S has been at war in the middle east longer than any other war…they just hit their 104th month mark there and Vietnam was 103….take that for a mission I’m getting anxious at only 13 months left… I don’t want it to sound like I’m just counting down the days because I’m not….(395)…ha nawww I’m kidding but I just say probably just about every week because it’s amazing really how fast the time passes…one minute you’re hear and the next you’re there… I don’t know it may just be me but I realized how fast the time has gone by because I just hit the 11th month mark yesterday and you know what that means…..the countdown is in less than a month, which is kind of scary to me because to be honest I want another year extension…especially now that the Spanish is coming easier and more natural….I still won’t have it down fluently where I’m totally 100% confident until like the day before I leave but it’s getting to be more and more fun as the Spanish comes along. It’s been difficult to learn it in the states because we can get away with speaking English and it’s not a big deal and most of the Spanish people here that didn’t just cross the night before….no I’m serious I’ve met em’ but most of the people who have been here for more than a year or two know some English and they want to practice it on us…and so we practice our Spanish right back…so in Spanglish we’re fluent you could say yes but give it a little more time and practice and it’ll be fluent in both. Everything’s coming along work’s good as always…we’ve got a lot of people we’re working with…hard thing is Satan goes tracting more than we do but that makes it that more special for me to see when someone embraces and accepts the gospel because their backs are against the wall but they fight it and to watch someone win that victory is one of the most touching things that you can witness. That’s one of the first things that President Donaldson told us when we came into San Diego was that we’re at war….we’ve been at war for awhile and Satan knows that he’s gonna lose so he’s gonna throw everything that he’s got at you, at your investigators, at the members, at everybody to make sure that they don’t enter into a covenant with God…why would he work so hard on something that would be false or a lie…. That’s what he wants it to seem is that all that we teach is a lie and it’s so true…. He’s not gonna concentrate all of his efforts on something that’s already false, he’s gonna concentrate all of his efforts on something that’s true and I’ve realized that….Anti-Mormon literature is everywhere and it’s something that we battle everyday but it’s also comforting to know that it’s because it’s all true that Satan is gathering his forces around this work. It’s true..all of it and I’m so thankful to be a part of it!

Sorry this is a wee short but I’m out of time so I love you all take care and have a great week!

Much love,

Elder Ryan Lawter

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