Monday Monday da dah da dah da dum....da dah da dah da dum
Another week in the bag and another one to look forward to. I hope that you got my last email. I was worrying all week because when I went to send the email there was only 20 seconds left and the screen froze, actually it was the website, it happened to mainly everybody. The past week has pretty good, just trying to indulge myself in Spanish, you think that would help? Studying Spanish to learn it? Me too. It's just been really hard for me to prep myself coming here just to be disabled but I know that the Lord will provide. Only a select few get switched languages when they get into their mission and I know it's because the Lord knows their abilities, so I feel honored that Heavenly Father has put alot of His faith in me to learn the language. Not going to lie this is the hardest thing I've ever done; alot of stress, struggle, headache but on the flipside of that rainy cloud the sun is always shinning. This has been the most rewarding, fun, and just absolutely amazing experience. I don't want to sound to cliché because you hear this all the time from RM's but it's true, the good definitely out-weighs the struggle bar-none. I'm only 2 months into it but it seems the 2 months have only been 2 days. I can't believe how fast time has already flown by. Next week will be the end of this transfer and there's going to be a few changes in the El Cajon area. First off there's going to be a new Spanish companionship coming into the area so that will make 3 companionships, which means that the boundaries will have to be re-drawn sometime this week. I think that Elder Law and I will split up and we'll get new companions but we'll be in the same apartment together, which is good, he talks too much. ah ha. He's a good guy though, I've enjoyed my time with him. Another plus to the new companionship is we'll be getting a new apartment. Elder Law and I already found the apartment and we'll be moving in next week. It's sooo nice; granite countertop, no ants, a washer and dryer in the apartment, more room, neighbors that DON'T marijuana, drink beer then invite us over to join them. Our neighbors now are Looney Tooney. So I'm excited to be movin.
Let's see any stories
Ok 1st update on the Correa family, Felix's family, Mexican Uncle Kenny, the ones that were going to get baptized soon, ringing any bells??? Well No they haven't got baptized yet, they feel it's a muy muy importante decision, which is good but at the sametime they don't feel worthy I guess yet and that's the bad. They know the gospel to be true but they're afraid once they get baptized that they'll mess up afterwards, which is a given and we've explained the Atonement, the power of repentance, the sacrament, the whole nine yards but they still the same way. I know they'll get baptized sooner or later but it's the later part that scares me.
Umm oh yesterday we went to a less-active members house and I shared a scripture found in Alma about prayer and how the Lord needs to be in EVERYTHING that we do. Anyways we talked about it and the daughter-in-law her name is Ashley was quiet all night after I was done with the scripture, giving experiences in my own life, and expounding on it, she said "that's what's been missing." She said that she's been struggling with job, marriage, life in general and she said that the Lord was the missing link in all these things. It was just neat to see the Spirit of the Lord working through me, showing me what to do, and telling me what to say in helping other "Come unto Christ." I dig it.
The people are great! I've had fun talking to a whole variety of em. It's like the melting pot here; arabs, chinese, mexicans, araeseicans, you name it we've got it. It's fun the reactions we get from different people. I've seen more middle fingers than a...... well I don't know what has alot of middle fingers but I've seen alot. You get the point. And yet I've had alot of people come from across the street, shake my hand, and tell me how much they appreciate what I'm doing. It's a crazy world.
Sounds like everything's doing good back home which is music to my ears. I love missouri. Just throwing that out there. No way would I ever want to live here in California! Home is where you make it - Joe Dirt (Dad that one's for you haha) I like the idea of the birthday list and addresses by the way, send me those whenever you get a chance.
Well I think I've gotta run P-day's always a big day and we've got tons of things to do so till' next monday and if I don't see ya good afternoon, good evening, and good night. I love you all soo very much and appreciate all that you do and all that you've done for me! Lookin forward to next monday!
Much love,
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, 2009
Hello Margret....It's me again!Welp like you said another week has come and gone and guess what!? There's less than 100 weeks that I'm out here! We're in double-digits now and before to long it's going to be single-digits. I don't know how time has been for everyone else but it's in fast-forward for me. Just so many things that we've got goin on out here makes the days long but the weeks short, I've already lost track of the days. Elder Law and I met up with an Elder that's done with his mission and that came back for a visit and he said that his mission just flew, he said what every return missionary says, I'll be in those shoes one of these days.AnywhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooThings are goin pretty good, Spanish is a challenge but the scriptures and things from home keep me goin, so keep em' comin. I hope that mail is getting there. To Whitney.." You said it's been awhile, I sent a letter out I think last wed. so you should probably get it today, that's when I usually get yours so it's about a 3-4 days process for my peeps at home that hang on my every letter aka Whitney." To Everyone.. Next transfer is going to be an interesting one, my area is going to be divided up and there are going to be another Spanish companionship so what I'm thinking is that they're going to split Elder Law and I up since we both know the area and put me with a more experienced Spanish Elder, someone that's been out for longer than I have....ya which is pretty much everyone. That's alright I'm the Greeney Meaney... I take no prisoners. Then Elder Law will probably train again or get another newb like me... Poor guy. The upside of this though is we're looking for a newer nicer apartment to live in so I'll be movin into a nicer apartment... Then I won't have to hose myself with flea and bug spray and I won't have to worry about mushrooms sprouting up anywhere. There ain't no bugs on me... There ain't no bugs on me... There maybe bugs on some of you MUGS..BUUUUUT(T) there ain't no bugs on me! I finally be able to say that! So these E-mails maybe random but they make me smile so I hope they do the same for you. Speaking of random there was a fight that just almost broke out here in the library. Who fights in a library!? Seriously! Mine as well fight in a nursery that's how ridiculous it was, almost as ridiculous as getting mad and threatening to call the Manager of Steak n' Shake because poor Troy probably fell asleep back there, haha that made me laugh when I read that. So typical big bad Phil Lawter, I think I can take you though Dad. After my mission let's seriously rent those sumo suits and rrrrastle. I've already gained 15 pounds so I might not even need a suit after these two years, kidding Whitney.... I'm still slim, hot, and sexy. I think that at least. So anyways those two guys fighting, they were yellin and cussin at each other because I guess one guy rolled the chair next to him back to hard. Morons. I was about to loosen my tie, take of my tag and go to town but lucky for them some old like 90 year old fat dude yelled at em and said why don't you two s***s go outside and fight then like literally 5 minutes later he called em A-holes. The guys got quiet after that but I'm sorry when a 90 year old man says something like that I'm gonna laugh. It was hilarious!!!! I think I was the only person laughing but when life gives you morons that wanna fight and an old man that tells em' laugh. That's my wonderful missionary advice for this week. haha Man I love my sweeeet mission experiences. So I got to go to the temple last Saturday!!! But even cooler than that I got to go to a sealing ceremony! How cool is that!? Elder Ulrich purposely planned for us to go on exchanges that day so that I could go with him. He's my boy! There were 34 weddings at the temple that day! Holy Canoli batman! It was nutso! The sad part about it was it made me miss EVERYONE back home!! Got me so trunky but it was the sweetest experience of my mission hands down. So sweet to be apart of that special moment in that couples life. It was Elder Ulrich's first baptism and she got sealed in the temple so we got to go. I don't think I have ever been in such a place that felt more heavenly. I've seen the pictures and I've heard about the temple here but to actually see literally just took my breath away. So touching to feel the presence of the Lord and the immense vastness of the Spirit I have never felt so strongly. What a marvelous sight to witness and to draw closer to Heavenly Father in his house, there is literally no other place like it. Well I've got 5 minutes left so I better wrap it up so know that I'm doing just fine! With the Lord's hand I've already seen miracles and blessings not only in my life but in others! Such a blessing to be in the Lord's service! I love you all soo soo very much! My time away has made me appreciate the love that ALL of you have have given to be and I'm soooo grateful for that. Take care, God speed and never ever forget to pray! With all my love,(Elder) Ryan Lawter
Monday, August 10, 2009
Alright folks it's that time once again....your favorite time of the week! You are now about to take a stroll through the life of Ry-Dizawg.
How's is everyone....I'm doin fine!! Things are tight right now! Had my first baptism last sat. got a family that's going to get baptized next week and a girl that will get baptized here in the next few weeks! That's 5 more in a space of a few weeks! The sweet thing is they all speak English so it's not like I don't talk, I've taught all these people. Elder Law and I went to a Spanish fireside and all the missionaries stand out in front to greet everyone that comes in and when President Donalson came in the first thing he said to us is "There's my baptizing Elders," right in everyones face... Oh man it was great.
Ok so I'll get down to answering questions now
1.) The baptism was sweet! Everything went awesome! I'll send some pictures home, both to you all and Whitney since I've got more time this P-day, it's not going to be as stressful. Edson like two days before his baptism had a few concerns but we ironed it all out and he was good to go. I'll never forget my first one and I'm sure there's many more to come!
2.) B-ball was tight! You know I still got game. The Elders name was Elder Bean and he was pretty impressive. I guess after his mish he's going to go to OU to ball but I held my own. Of course he scored but so did I. I shut him down more than anyone else. I went on exchanges with an Elder named Elder Roberts; he's from Hawaii, he went to BYU-H and he said that I could easily make the team there. I don't know if I want to do that but I for sure want to play at UVU, so as long as I keep playin and stayin in shape I think I stand an alright chance of at least being the waterboy.
3.)Sundays are ok. Church is soooo boring because I'm pretty much clueless. I talk to the members who speak English and have become pretty good friends but all the classes and Sacrament is in Spanish so it's lame for me. We always have sweet dinners on Sun. though so I look forward to Sundays! I haven't had anything yet that has been too weird like Pig feet or stomach but that day is probably quickly approaching. Lookin' forward to that.....not.
4.) Mail comes everyday but we don't get to pick it up until P-days, so we only pick it up once a week at the mission office. Mail gets here usually in a few days, so if you send it by Wed. or early thur. it will probably get here by P-day. I did get your package. Thanks! but I was actually wanting my green backpack but that's ok I don't really need it, the shoes was the important thing that I needed so I'm pretty set. Thanks!
5.) We actually had a meeting about the temple and the Brethren wanted us to focus more on the work at hand instead of the temple, so we only get to go once everyother transfer now. Kind of a bummer but when it comes from the Brethren in Salt Lake what cha gonna do? Elder Law and I are planning to go some time in the next few weeks. I'm way excited!
6.) It's probably best if you don't send mail to my apartment. Everyone sends mail to the office because we're only suppose to get mail once a week and write mail once a week, now we don't really follow the writing part but I don't want things to really escalate and things like get out of hand. Plus I don't know our address ha.
The chili peps weren't the ones that I ate. I ate the satan ones that are freshly picked and freshly hot! I just saw those peps at Wal-Mart and thought they might be alright. Wienie? Bah! I eat habeneros for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Food-wise there are panda's, there is a chipotle that I found! there's no steak and shakes but pretty much almost anything else. Subway would be a good Idea, I don't wanna become fatty mc fat fat while I'm here.
So I've got to write my letter to president Donaldson. Instead of writing them we E-mail them, which is eh Stinky because it cuts into my emailing time. I feel so bad that this email is short and that I didn't have time to email anyone else but that's my life right now, I don't have time to blink. I love you all had am looking forward to next week. God speed.
(I know I'm Elder Lawter but to my peeps reading this, it's still Ry-guy)
How's is everyone....I'm doin fine!! Things are tight right now! Had my first baptism last sat. got a family that's going to get baptized next week and a girl that will get baptized here in the next few weeks! That's 5 more in a space of a few weeks! The sweet thing is they all speak English so it's not like I don't talk, I've taught all these people. Elder Law and I went to a Spanish fireside and all the missionaries stand out in front to greet everyone that comes in and when President Donalson came in the first thing he said to us is "There's my baptizing Elders," right in everyones face... Oh man it was great.
Ok so I'll get down to answering questions now
1.) The baptism was sweet! Everything went awesome! I'll send some pictures home, both to you all and Whitney since I've got more time this P-day, it's not going to be as stressful. Edson like two days before his baptism had a few concerns but we ironed it all out and he was good to go. I'll never forget my first one and I'm sure there's many more to come!
2.) B-ball was tight! You know I still got game. The Elders name was Elder Bean and he was pretty impressive. I guess after his mish he's going to go to OU to ball but I held my own. Of course he scored but so did I. I shut him down more than anyone else. I went on exchanges with an Elder named Elder Roberts; he's from Hawaii, he went to BYU-H and he said that I could easily make the team there. I don't know if I want to do that but I for sure want to play at UVU, so as long as I keep playin and stayin in shape I think I stand an alright chance of at least being the waterboy.
3.)Sundays are ok. Church is soooo boring because I'm pretty much clueless. I talk to the members who speak English and have become pretty good friends but all the classes and Sacrament is in Spanish so it's lame for me. We always have sweet dinners on Sun. though so I look forward to Sundays! I haven't had anything yet that has been too weird like Pig feet or stomach but that day is probably quickly approaching. Lookin' forward to that.....not.
4.) Mail comes everyday but we don't get to pick it up until P-days, so we only pick it up once a week at the mission office. Mail gets here usually in a few days, so if you send it by Wed. or early thur. it will probably get here by P-day. I did get your package. Thanks! but I was actually wanting my green backpack but that's ok I don't really need it, the shoes was the important thing that I needed so I'm pretty set. Thanks!
5.) We actually had a meeting about the temple and the Brethren wanted us to focus more on the work at hand instead of the temple, so we only get to go once everyother transfer now. Kind of a bummer but when it comes from the Brethren in Salt Lake what cha gonna do? Elder Law and I are planning to go some time in the next few weeks. I'm way excited!
6.) It's probably best if you don't send mail to my apartment. Everyone sends mail to the office because we're only suppose to get mail once a week and write mail once a week, now we don't really follow the writing part but I don't want things to really escalate and things like get out of hand. Plus I don't know our address ha.
The chili peps weren't the ones that I ate. I ate the satan ones that are freshly picked and freshly hot! I just saw those peps at Wal-Mart and thought they might be alright. Wienie? Bah! I eat habeneros for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Food-wise there are panda's, there is a chipotle that I found! there's no steak and shakes but pretty much almost anything else. Subway would be a good Idea, I don't wanna become fatty mc fat fat while I'm here.
So I've got to write my letter to president Donaldson. Instead of writing them we E-mail them, which is eh Stinky because it cuts into my emailing time. I feel so bad that this email is short and that I didn't have time to email anyone else but that's my life right now, I don't have time to blink. I love you all had am looking forward to next week. God speed.
(I know I'm Elder Lawter but to my peeps reading this, it's still Ry-guy)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Pictures Galore!
I got a HUGE shipment of pictures from Ryan yesterday! Some are from the MTC and some are from San Diego. He looks great and sounds very happy! Sorry some of the pictures are poor quality and black and white-my scanner is a little tempermental :)

Ry and one of his favorite teachers at the MTC-Brother Andersen


Yup, he is still a goof! We are so proud of him :) Email tomorrow!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hola La Familia,
So I was kinda overwhelmed at all the e-mails that I got! Whoa Baby! I so popular! I might not have time to get to everybody so let's get down to the nitty gritty! Ok so I'll give you a schedule of my day....
6:30- Wake Up
6:30-7:00- We go and exercise which is usually basketball at the church.
7-8- Get showered, eat breakfast and get ready for the day
8-9- personal study
9-10- companionship study
10-11- Spanish Study
11-1ish- out contacting and visiting people
1-1:45 lunch
1:45-5ish contacting and visiting
5-6 dinner usually with members
6-9- contacting and visiting people
9-10:30- get ready for bed, write in journal all that good jazz
10:30-6:30 bed
Then start the process allllll over again. and that's pretty much my life for two years. Now that's how our schedule is suppose to go, it usually doesn't go exactly like that but it's pretty dang close!
So yesterday we got four investigators to church! Amazing, usally the mexcians say that they'll come to please you then they'll be a no show but we had 4 yesterday! One kids name is Edson, he's soo awesome! I don't know if I talked about him before but he's 19 and he's just a kid trying to make it through. He speaks English too which is cool because I've got to teach him from day one. We met him my second day here in San Diego and guess what.... HE'S GETTING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!! My very first baptism!!! I'm sooo stoked and the cool part is that I've seen his process of accepting the gospel to becoming a member and I've had the priviledge to teach him since he speaks English! You'll find here that mostly all of the young people speak both English and Spanish and most of the old geezereds (ages 35-100...haha just kidding, that pretty much consists of everyone except a few that reads these e-mails, so I take it back :) speak just Spanish. It's kind of frustrating but it's motivation to get the language down, which is hard. I'm really struggling with learning the language, I know it's what's in store for me but it hasn't been an easy thing to be just thrown into the field, expect to preach the gospel and learn a language at the same time. We only have an hour in the day to learn Spanish and at this rate I might learn it Aug. 2011. Na I know that I'm going to get it down and I've seen huge strides it's just really frustrating to just sit in houses and not know what's going on or what anyones saying and the worst part is when people kind of stare at me after they say something and like expect me to know what they say. Other than that things are awesome! The people are way cool, the members are nice, the area is kind of trashy but for the most part people are real nice to us. I've been yelled at and flipped off a few times but eh it's fun, we just smile and wave back. I think that it makes the people who yell at us more mad because we don't get mad or frustrated haha suckers. Oh so back to church, so the other 3 who came is a family (There are actually 4 but one of the girls got sick, so just the parents and the other daughter came) They are awesome and funny! The dad his name is Felix and he reminds me of a Mexican Uncle Kenny haha kid you not! I'll send pictures from their baptism and you'll see for yourself! But they just absolutely LOVED church Felix was participating in Sunday School and High Priests, it was neat to see, they said it was muy muy bien! So I'm confident that they are going to get baptized in the near future. We have another that wants to get baptized and she's accepted but she has had some family issues that have been keeping her from going to church but she's another baptism that we'll have before too long. Oh and one more that's pn the verge is a family called the Marquez's. The younger boy's 16 and he's actually already baptized, we're just working on the parents right now and they'll get baptized too but they're just taking their sweet time which is frustrating. They know the importance of the gospel and baptism and they've seen the blessings since their son has been a member so they'll get there it's just a matter of time now.
So freak there's so much more to say but I only got 5 more minutes on the computer! We only have 60 minutes on the computer at the library and then it kicks us off so it's kinda gay. But we're going to go play basketball in Chula Vista. It's going to be our zone vs. the Chula zone, so supposedly it's going to be pretty intense! Chula has an elder that is a D-1 caliber player, so my zone's already appointed me to shut him down. I smoked it last p-day so my zone has seen me play and they think that I can keep up with this elder so we'll see. I'm sorry I'm so busy and haven't found time to write and things and to be short on my e-mails but I'm too busy to even blink, that's a mission for ya but Whitney-don't be clazy you know I'll always love you! I'm getting some pics and a letter in the mail today!
Grandparents I'm going to try my hardest to get mail out as well. So to find this time I've gotta run now so I love you all and I will talk to ya soon! Keep Writing!
Elder Lawter
So I was kinda overwhelmed at all the e-mails that I got! Whoa Baby! I so popular! I might not have time to get to everybody so let's get down to the nitty gritty! Ok so I'll give you a schedule of my day....
6:30- Wake Up
6:30-7:00- We go and exercise which is usually basketball at the church.
7-8- Get showered, eat breakfast and get ready for the day
8-9- personal study
9-10- companionship study
10-11- Spanish Study
11-1ish- out contacting and visiting people
1-1:45 lunch
1:45-5ish contacting and visiting
5-6 dinner usually with members
6-9- contacting and visiting people
9-10:30- get ready for bed, write in journal all that good jazz
10:30-6:30 bed
Then start the process allllll over again. and that's pretty much my life for two years. Now that's how our schedule is suppose to go, it usually doesn't go exactly like that but it's pretty dang close!
So yesterday we got four investigators to church! Amazing, usally the mexcians say that they'll come to please you then they'll be a no show but we had 4 yesterday! One kids name is Edson, he's soo awesome! I don't know if I talked about him before but he's 19 and he's just a kid trying to make it through. He speaks English too which is cool because I've got to teach him from day one. We met him my second day here in San Diego and guess what.... HE'S GETTING BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!! My very first baptism!!! I'm sooo stoked and the cool part is that I've seen his process of accepting the gospel to becoming a member and I've had the priviledge to teach him since he speaks English! You'll find here that mostly all of the young people speak both English and Spanish and most of the old geezereds (ages 35-100...haha just kidding, that pretty much consists of everyone except a few that reads these e-mails, so I take it back :) speak just Spanish. It's kind of frustrating but it's motivation to get the language down, which is hard. I'm really struggling with learning the language, I know it's what's in store for me but it hasn't been an easy thing to be just thrown into the field, expect to preach the gospel and learn a language at the same time. We only have an hour in the day to learn Spanish and at this rate I might learn it Aug. 2011. Na I know that I'm going to get it down and I've seen huge strides it's just really frustrating to just sit in houses and not know what's going on or what anyones saying and the worst part is when people kind of stare at me after they say something and like expect me to know what they say. Other than that things are awesome! The people are way cool, the members are nice, the area is kind of trashy but for the most part people are real nice to us. I've been yelled at and flipped off a few times but eh it's fun, we just smile and wave back. I think that it makes the people who yell at us more mad because we don't get mad or frustrated haha suckers. Oh so back to church, so the other 3 who came is a family (There are actually 4 but one of the girls got sick, so just the parents and the other daughter came) They are awesome and funny! The dad his name is Felix and he reminds me of a Mexican Uncle Kenny haha kid you not! I'll send pictures from their baptism and you'll see for yourself! But they just absolutely LOVED church Felix was participating in Sunday School and High Priests, it was neat to see, they said it was muy muy bien! So I'm confident that they are going to get baptized in the near future. We have another that wants to get baptized and she's accepted but she has had some family issues that have been keeping her from going to church but she's another baptism that we'll have before too long. Oh and one more that's pn the verge is a family called the Marquez's. The younger boy's 16 and he's actually already baptized, we're just working on the parents right now and they'll get baptized too but they're just taking their sweet time which is frustrating. They know the importance of the gospel and baptism and they've seen the blessings since their son has been a member so they'll get there it's just a matter of time now.
So freak there's so much more to say but I only got 5 more minutes on the computer! We only have 60 minutes on the computer at the library and then it kicks us off so it's kinda gay. But we're going to go play basketball in Chula Vista. It's going to be our zone vs. the Chula zone, so supposedly it's going to be pretty intense! Chula has an elder that is a D-1 caliber player, so my zone's already appointed me to shut him down. I smoked it last p-day so my zone has seen me play and they think that I can keep up with this elder so we'll see. I'm sorry I'm so busy and haven't found time to write and things and to be short on my e-mails but I'm too busy to even blink, that's a mission for ya but Whitney-don't be clazy you know I'll always love you! I'm getting some pics and a letter in the mail today!
Grandparents I'm going to try my hardest to get mail out as well. So to find this time I've gotta run now so I love you all and I will talk to ya soon! Keep Writing!
Elder Lawter
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