August 17, 2009
Hello Margret....It's me again!Welp like you said another week has come and gone and guess what!? There's less than 100 weeks that I'm out here! We're in double-digits now and before to long it's going to be single-digits. I don't know how time has been for everyone else but it's in fast-forward for me. Just so many things that we've got goin on out here makes the days long but the weeks short, I've already lost track of the days. Elder Law and I met up with an Elder that's done with his mission and that came back for a visit and he said that his mission just flew, he said what every return missionary says, I'll be in those shoes one of these days.AnywhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooThings are goin pretty good, Spanish is a challenge but the scriptures and things from home keep me goin, so keep em' comin. I hope that mail is getting there. To Whitney.." You said it's been awhile, I sent a letter out I think last wed. so you should probably get it today, that's when I usually get yours so it's about a 3-4 days process for my peeps at home that hang on my every letter aka Whitney." To Everyone.. Next transfer is going to be an interesting one, my area is going to be divided up and there are going to be another Spanish companionship so what I'm thinking is that they're going to split Elder Law and I up since we both know the area and put me with a more experienced Spanish Elder, someone that's been out for longer than I have....ya which is pretty much everyone. That's alright I'm the Greeney Meaney... I take no prisoners. Then Elder Law will probably train again or get another newb like me... Poor guy. The upside of this though is we're looking for a newer nicer apartment to live in so I'll be movin into a nicer apartment... Then I won't have to hose myself with flea and bug spray and I won't have to worry about mushrooms sprouting up anywhere. There ain't no bugs on me... There ain't no bugs on me... There maybe bugs on some of you MUGS..BUUUUUT(T) there ain't no bugs on me! I finally be able to say that! So these E-mails maybe random but they make me smile so I hope they do the same for you. Speaking of random there was a fight that just almost broke out here in the library. Who fights in a library!? Seriously! Mine as well fight in a nursery that's how ridiculous it was, almost as ridiculous as getting mad and threatening to call the Manager of Steak n' Shake because poor Troy probably fell asleep back there, haha that made me laugh when I read that. So typical big bad Phil Lawter, I think I can take you though Dad. After my mission let's seriously rent those sumo suits and rrrrastle. I've already gained 15 pounds so I might not even need a suit after these two years, kidding Whitney.... I'm still slim, hot, and sexy. I think that at least. So anyways those two guys fighting, they were yellin and cussin at each other because I guess one guy rolled the chair next to him back to hard. Morons. I was about to loosen my tie, take of my tag and go to town but lucky for them some old like 90 year old fat dude yelled at em and said why don't you two s***s go outside and fight then like literally 5 minutes later he called em A-holes. The guys got quiet after that but I'm sorry when a 90 year old man says something like that I'm gonna laugh. It was hilarious!!!! I think I was the only person laughing but when life gives you morons that wanna fight and an old man that tells em' off...you laugh. That's my wonderful missionary advice for this week. haha Man I love my sweeeet mission experiences. So I got to go to the temple last Saturday!!! But even cooler than that I got to go to a sealing ceremony! How cool is that!? Elder Ulrich purposely planned for us to go on exchanges that day so that I could go with him. He's my boy! There were 34 weddings at the temple that day! Holy Canoli batman! It was nutso! The sad part about it was it made me miss EVERYONE back home!! Got me so trunky but it was the sweetest experience of my mission hands down. So sweet to be apart of that special moment in that couples life. It was Elder Ulrich's first baptism and she got sealed in the temple so we got to go. I don't think I have ever been in such a place that felt more heavenly. I've seen the pictures and I've heard about the temple here but to actually see it....oh....it literally just took my breath away. So touching to feel the presence of the Lord and the immense vastness of the Spirit I have never felt so strongly. What a marvelous sight to witness and to draw closer to Heavenly Father in his house, there is literally no other place like it. Well I've got 5 minutes left so I better wrap it up so know that I'm doing just fine! With the Lord's hand I've already seen miracles and blessings not only in my life but in others! Such a blessing to be in the Lord's service! I love you all soo soo very much! My time away has made me appreciate the love that ALL of you have have given to be and I'm soooo grateful for that. Take care, God speed and never ever forget to pray! With all my love,(Elder) Ryan Lawter
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