I got a HUGE shipment of pictures from Ryan yesterday! Some are from the MTC and some are from San Diego. He looks great and sounds very happy! Sorry some of the pictures are poor quality and black and white-my scanner is a little tempermental :)

Ryan and his companion Elder Hall

Ry and one of his favorite teachers at the MTC-Brother Andersen


Precious-Ry and the boys in his district at the MTC.

The man in the middle-President Hacking-was Ryan's branch president at the MTC. Crazy coincidence though, he was most recently the Mission President in our home mission-Independence, MO! Kinda crazy!
Ryan and his companion, Elder Law, in front of the Mexican border. Ole!

Ryan, his companion, and apartment mates. Reeeeal cute, huh?

'The Law Team' aka ' Mexican Hunters' aka Elder Lawter and Elder Law

Elder Ulrich (another elder in his apartment) and Elder Lawter lookin' gooooood.
Yup, he is still a goof! We are so proud of him :) Email tomorrow!
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