How's it goin!?
Hope all is well with everyone back at home. Things have been pretty good
here workin up a storm. We have two guys with a date to be baptized right
now but with one I think that he got anti-ed so he's kind of ify on it right
now and then we passed by our other guy and his mom told us that we went to
jail just a few days ago. The background of this guy is he comes from a not
so good home...lots of drinking, drugs, fighting, yelling, cussing...just a
place where it's impossible for the Spirit to dwell and that's scared us a
lot lately but when we passed by yesterday his mom kind of gave us a fishy
story of how they went to church then he was just reading his Bible then the
cops came picked him up but she wasn't really sure where they went ha...and
the sad part is I don't think she really even cared. So we got on the phone
called the police department then the county jail and sure enough he got
locked in the slammer for vandalism...FOR ALL THINGS!!! VANDALISM!!! but his
court date is tomorrow so we'll find out the verdict and where to go from
here but it's amazing the work of Lucifer on somebody that it trying to
better their life and to just get closer and closer to God. It's
discouraging for me to even see it time and again and I've for sure seen it
a lot but I'm always drawn back to the Prophet Helaman and the words which
he spoke to his sons in the Book of Mormon... "And now, my sons, remember,
remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of
God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send
forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his
hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over
you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the
rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation
whereon if men build they cannot fall." How fitting of a scripture for the
time that we're entering into next month. The Holy week coming up and this
Easter season. For..."it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ,
the Son of God, that ye *must *build your foundation..." I'm not saying that
people who go through stuff like that don't have a sure foundation in
Christ but its the mighty storms winds that get thrown our way to beat us
off the path. So we're not exempt from trails, temptations, and other things
in our lives but the promise that when those difficult time pass in
our lives we can find out that God has never been closer but it's that faith
and sure foundation that we need to have in Him and His Son that will
prevent us from falling. And I think that's what the Easter season is all
about...coming closer to our Savior and committing ourselves to be a better
disciple of Him. The price of discipleship isn't easy but it is worth it and
with that faith and testimony we will be lead to what is right and what is
true and then comes the promise that we will never fall.
Love ya!
Elder Ry Law
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