Hello Everyone,
So what a good weekends it's been! You can put your money on having a good weekend with the General Authorities....they for sure didn't disappoint. Then today we actually went to the temple so it's been just a Spirit packed month already and then later on at the end of the month we're going to get the privilege as a mission and a stake here in Sweetwater to meet 2 members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles I think I'm actually suppose to keep that a little hush hush so I'll let you all know who they at the end of the month but once again...it shouldn't disappoint....
But it's been kind of the realization that I had this weekend and that I usually have every time I get the chance to listen to General Conference, meet a General Authority, or just read in the Ensign that these really are men called of God and are leading His church. It's amazing for me to think of how much God truly does care about us so He sends us messages in many ways. In the scriptures we read of angels being sent to give certain and most important messages but as well as Heavenly angels and messengers are sent, there are earthly messengers sent from God to help us, to guide us, and to lead and direct us. Now these people can be family, friends, people we don't even know that are sent from God to cross our path and to bless us but as well He sends His Prophets to lead His children and to direct the church. "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7) and as well God's church is... "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone." (Ephesians 2:20) Where would His church be without a Prophet and Apostles guiding it with His authority? A better question where would His children be with out the guidance of someone who receives direct revelation from God? They would be lost just as the people were when they rejected Noah, Moses, Christ Himself, and many others. So just as God spoke to Noah and Moses and Abraham...He speaks today to His Prophet and Apostles to guide the whole world. It's a bold statement to claim there is a Prophet today leading the same yet restored church that Jesus Christ set-up on the earth...most people thinks that such things don't exist in these days that all the prophets and apostles died off a little after Christ's time... So why would God just make that exclusive to back during the times of Christ and a little after and before? Like I said before in the times of most trial and struggle would God really leave us helpless and hopeless? I have a hard time believing that and because of that I'm proud of the testimony and blessing that I have in following a modern-day Prophet called of God to lead us and guide the whole world. and this past weekend was just another testimony builder for me. I know that Jesus is the Christ and that He leads and guides His church through a Prophet. I know without a doubt that these things are all true and it's my invitation to all to just search it out.....if someone says I have the best chocolate in the world and it's absolutely free would you just take his word for it chow down on that stuff! It might just be the fat kid in me but I'd eat all that I could...they would kick me out and put up refuse servicee to this guy at that chocolate buffet..it's the same principle what I'm telling you. I'm in the Lord's service preaching the most important thing anyone will ever hear and my invitation is to just try out for yourself...study it, learn of it and see if what I'm telling you is true. I know that as you do diligently that you'll find out for yourself that it's true.... "For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round." (1 Nephi 10:19)... The blessings are innumerable but it takes the faith and the diligence to find it out... I hope that everyone can find the Lord and his truth and when they do they will see the light and all the blessings that come as they have in my life! as all you are blessings to me and I love you soo much!!! Take care and have a good week!!!
Much Love,
Elder Ryan Lawter
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