Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy 2011!

Happy New Years!!!!
What a good year it's gonna be this year! It just seems like yesterday we were just stepping into 2010 but here we go 2011...everyone have their new years resolutions and goals that they're working towards this year...I know that I've got mine!!!! So for new years eve we didn't do much. We were suppose to be in by night fall then we suppose to weekly plan that night and what weekly planning is, is we sit down for maybe 2-3 hours and discuss in our companionship what we need to get done, accomplished, planning for our investigators in what we feel inspired to teach them from their needs and things like that...so it definitely wasn't something that we wanted to be doing on new years eve but we got it done popped open some champagne and called it a night....just kidding bout the champagne part...I'll probably get in trouble from that one if President looks at my blog which I know these emails go up on...but yeah we were party animals this year plan then in bed by 10:30 whoopie!!!! But 2010's been a fun year definitely been a year of a lot of up's and for sure a lot of downs but I think I've come out of them stronger and with more experience from them...You definitely learn a lot from trials and struggles and looking back they've all been worth it so looking forward let's make the best of this year and not waste a minute that the Lord's given us cuz it's a minute that we'll never get back and before you know it the months over then the year....
Take care everyone love you soo much and have a good week!!!
Elder Lawter

"2011! We are party animals..right after this picture, we went to bed."

"I don't know what the heck Vivian's mom was doing, haha" 

After an old missionary's wedding in San Diego (Todd Ulrich) 

"My big white friend..."

"...and my two little brown friends...santa's little elves" 

"This was on the Quintero's on Christmas. We played pictionary! It was solid..." 

"At the MCRD...we don't work there anymore since the time changed for the new year."

"President Bennett at the MCRD...he has like a billion war stories, they're pretty sick..."

"The Griffith's from Missouri...they love me...Missouri lovin"

"An english member that HOOKS...US..UP!!! Her names Chanhom...shes from Laotia...and she's pretty much da bomb! She's the one who we ate the ducks with.."

Dinner at the Munoz's

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