Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Howubeen?!!

Whud up family,How’s the homestead? Things are goin pretty sweet here. We went hiking at 6 in the morning this morning to the top of a mountain in La Mesa and it was so cool because right as soon as we got to the very top of the mountain the sun peaked it’s little head over the other mountains and we got to watch the sun come up on the valley and the ocean. We could even see Tijuana through all the smog and mary jane smoke haha. You wanna hear something ironic though, through the whole San Diego valley the only city to have pollution and smog over it was….yup good ol’ nastiness El Cajon. The armpit of America. It’s really a trashy place. Just think of Excelsior Springs on steroids and you’ve got El Cajon. Ya it’s that bad (Dad be sure to show that comment to Ratliff) but it was an awesome hike up the mountain. So I heard about the Chiefs, bunch of suckas. I made sure to wear a bag over my head yesterday. Man they suck so bad. Football season is terrible, missionary work wise because it’s tough getting the die hard charger fans to church. I swear on Sunday afternoons it’s like Provo, there is no one out on the street because they’re all inside watching football. Bunch of punks. So how are the Spurs doing? I can’t believe it’s already the basketball season again. How’s Gar Bear and the dogs lookin’? Think they’ve got a shot with Starzl down lizzo? Keep me posted!Ok I’m through with worldly things now, I love the spurs, ok now I’m down so let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Yesterday was an awesome day. So it was about 8:30 and we haven’t had dinner yet, so Elder Morales and I were both starvin like Marvin but instead of going home and getting something to eat, we decided to visit one more person. Oh before I forget mom could you send me my North Face hoodie (it’s getting pretty chilly, I’ve got warmness deficiency) and the sister act cd (Motab just isn’t cuttin it anymore, I’ve got music deficiency) oh as well as Whitney too (if you could box her up and ship her out that’d be great, I’ve got Whitney deficiency). If you could hand deliver these things that would be good (I’ve got momma deficiency) thanks! Anyways back to the story so the person that we went and visited his name is Moises which is Spanish for Moses and Elder Law and I actually found him looking for someone else because Moises is that someone else’s roommate but we talked to Moises jeez it’s been 10 weeks that we’ve been talking to him and he hasn’t shown a true interest until the last couple of weeks. A few nights ago we asked him if he was truly happy and he said “la verdad… no” which is “the truth…no” He said that he hasn’t been happy for awhile, he’s 40 years old, not married, lives with like 20 other Mexicans in one apartment, and he works everyday of his life for nothing really. Then he said something amazing he said that the only time he really gets happy is when we come over, which is cool for us to hear but sad at the same time. He said there’s something about you two that makes me feel all good inside and feel loved. SCORE!!! So at the end of the lesson we read 2 Nephi 31 which talks about the “Doctrine of Christ” and following Christ by being baptized by His authority and after we read that we committed him to baptism. “Segiura al ejemplo de JesuCrito por alguin que posea la autoridad del sacerdocio de Dios? El ocho de Noviembre tenemos la servicio bautismal. Se Preparara para ser bautisaudo en es la fecha?” Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God. We will be holding a baptismal service on November 8th. Will you prepare yourself to be baptized on that date? And before we could even finish….”SI!!! SI!! SI!!!” I’ve seen true miracles on my mission, I’ve seen life’s changed and people change that I didn’t even think would be possible. Moises is a pure example. Going from a guy that wanted nothing much to do with the church to becoming a member! It’s soo sweet! He has a date for the 8th so pray for him!!! It’s been a great week! I hope that it keeps getting better and that all who are reading this has a good week too! Hope is the leading light, it guides us through our darkest hours and to our brightest days.I love all of you and pray for you daily! Hope you all have a PERFECT week and I’ll talk to you next Monday!Love you all mucho mucho!Ryan

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A fiesta!

Here are some pics from a recent branch activity:


Monday, October 19, 2009

16 Weeks Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here we are again another day another dolla,
“Gooood Mornin and if I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, good night.”
Someone e-mail the name of that movie and I’ll e-mail you a good job back. So how’s it going? Chiefs won that’s good news, a member was telling me about the game at dinner last night, it’s about time is all I’ve gotta say, can I get an Amen on that? But even sweeter is hearing about Grandma and Grandpa’s mission call! 3 Lawter’s in the mission field, that’s so cool. I think senior couple missionaries are sooo neat; they’re all soo nice and soft-hearted, a perfect job for Grandma and Grandpa. Do you know what they’ll be doing? Will they be in the office? At the temple? Visitors Center? What? What? I’m intrigued! Things are going really good here! Spanish kicks my butt, but before too long I’ll build up some calluses and start getting fluent. It’s difficult but no one said it was going to be easy, they just promised help along the way. It’s hard to learn a new language from 3 books and only 1 hour a day, I’m more of a visual learner but it will be so sweet when I beat the odds and get it down. I think that the Lord’s just preppin me for Dentistry School because my face is going to be tapped to a book 24/7, but just like this Spanish it’s worth it, it’s all worth it. I’ve got the Heart of a Champion, I’m doing it. So speaking of heart of a champion, we have a family that we are teaching and they are the sweetest family; the dad’s name is Jose (big surprise, I think half of our dude investigators are either named Jose or Pedro, that’s no lie either) he’s a really nice guy and he works like 14-15 hours a day, 2 jobs to provide for his family and for his baby, which I’ll get to that in a second. The mom’s name is Adela, she is a really sweet lady, nice as can be, came to church yesterday, even though she wasn’t feeling to good but she felt that she needed to go, then they have a little girl who is soo stinkin cute and funny, she always brings her ponies out when we come over because she always wants a play buddy haha but then they have a new born that’s about 4 months old, which is a miracle in itself. The baby was born with multiple tumors in her head and the doctor said that she was terminal and had maybe a month to live, but now it’s been 4 months later and the baby is still going strong but the family kind of suffers money wise because they are constantly going to the doctor about everyday and that’s why Jose is pulling 2 jobs and multiple shifts. Such a neat family! They always tell us that we inspire them and how grateful they are when we come over but I think it’s them that inspire me more. Just to see their determination and attitude towards the situation that they have been given, is so touching to me. Obviously we’ve been teaching them a lot about families and how the bonds of the family can never be broken even after this life through the blessings of the gospel and of the temple. Every time we go over it’s such a moving experience because they just can’t help but break down and cry each time we tell them that families are together FOREVER. Adela leaves tissues by the couch now because she uses the whole box every time haha but it’s so touching and heart-warming to know that the most important thing to us; our families, are not only ordained of God but they are ordained and meant to last for the space of eternity. I’m so grateful for that blessing and it truly does make everything worth it. I’m grateful for you mom and dad and for the choices you’ve made to make sure that we has a family and my quickly approaching family and so forth are able to be together forever. I love both of you and I’m so grateful and proud to call you my parents. I love both of you and hope that you have a good week. “Don’t worry, be happy” and “Go put your records on”
With all my love,
Your son, and your favorite (I hope),

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Howdy Folks,
Welp like you said the 100 day mark has already come and gone and we’re creeping up to the 6 month mark before too long, time will go by fast to the 6 month mark especially with the holidays coming up. Oh speaking of holidays, Halloween’s coming up. It’s cool because we only work in the morning and afternoon then we get to come inside around 6ish because of all the wackjobs out there, so we’ll get to throw a little party of our own. The same goes for New Years, and I think St Patties day because of all the boozing boozos. I don’t know why started my email off telling you that but I just thought it was a fun little fact. So how is everything going? I got your card yesterday but the dumb music didn’t work. Fiddle sticks. I was looking forward to dancing like a hamster but do you think no music was going to stop me? Not. Thanks for the thought though, it’s the thoughts and little notes like that, that get me motivated and ready to tackle the week. So it’s crazy to say but transfers are coming up TOMORROW!!! Can you believe it!? I’ve been in SoCal for 12 weeks now! It doesn’t really feel like time has gone by that quickly but now that I look back, you bet your beans it has. So how transfers work is on the P-day before transfer Wednesday the Zone Leaders of the Zone get a letter that says who’s stayin, who’s leaving, who’s picking up a new companion, who’s training etc. so like all the information of what’s going to happen in the zone for the next transfer. Now the Zone leaders aren’t suppose to look at the letter until Tuesday night at 9, then everybody finds out what’s going to happen but lucky for me I’ve got my hook ups with the ZL’s aka Elder Ulrich my man. So I guess he opened the letter a day early because us missionaries are impatient when it comes to transfers but come to find out I’m staying another round here in El Cajon, along with my companion Elder Morales and TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION MOTHER DEAREST, why yes……. We are getting along quite eloquently. Ha but really we are getting along. He’s a weird-o and a goofball and a nerd…..but so is Whitney and look how well we do. Elder Morales is not even close to a Whitney but we do alright together. It takes a lot for me not to get along with someone. So yup that’s the word, I’m glad I actually got to tell you first hand but I’ll still be on bike, same apartment, same everything but new swagger. Last transfer was a huge learning experience for me in my mission and in my life, Conference had a lot to do with it but it’s the personal revelation that I’ve been receiving from the Spirit that has taught me the most. Everyday and it never seems to fail I get someone to tell me that I’m wrong, that I’m stupid for what I’m doing, or that I’m just wasting my time. I get a lot of people that mock me, that yell at me, the make fun of me, that tell me to “hail satan,” (you won’t believe how much that happens) but someone somehow always tries to break me down and it stinks, I’ve never been criticized or told that I was wrong in my life but it’s only been making me stronger. Everyday someone tells me that what I teach is wrong but everyday I get to teach and testify what is right and how good does it feel to be right. I know that it’s right, I know that what I’m doing is God’s work and there’s nothing that stop its progression, I wouldn’t be sacrificing 2 years of my life to teach something that I was unsure of or that I had doubts of. It’s true. I often think about how much Joseph Smith was criticized, chastised, and humiliated because he taught something that he knew to be true, he saw God the Eternal Father and His Son and he “could not deny it.” I’m not a Prophet of the Lord but I know just as well as the Prophet did that this is true and I “cannot deny it.” I’m so grateful to be able to tell someone without a shadow of a doubt that the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God and that the church is under the direction of Him through a living Prophet. I love what I’m doing and I love this gospel. It’s the “work and the glory” of the Lord and I’m soooo happy to be apart of it and testify of it!
I love all of you! And I wish a good week for you!
With all my Love,

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Ryan sent me this picture specifically because I HATE pickles.
Must've been tasty!

Elder Lawter and Elder Morales went to the thrift store and got this whole bag of ties for $4!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Word Family,
So how was last week? Particularly how was General Conference??? So many good words spoken in each of the sessions! I think I took like 23 pages of notes or something crazy like that. I’m going to have to go back and read the Ensign next month and read all of the talks again because I think I missed some things from writing so many notes. I’m like you guys too I had the distinct feeling like everyone was sitting right beside me watching; Whitney, you two, the grandparents, it just felt like every word that came out of one of the General Authorities mouths I could relate to you, my family. Dad I thought of you when Elder Ballard was talking about the Father and Son relationship and how special it is during General Priesthood and I thought of everyone when President Eyring spoke about families. I just couldn’t help but think how lucky I am to have a family that loves me and that has always loved me. Missionaries have started to call me “the Mailman” not Karl Malone mailman, well I do deliver on the court but that’s not the case here but because I get a steady dose of mail each week. I feel bad because I’m like money bags getting mail while some get zilch, it’s not that their family doesn’t love them I’m sure but it’s just that my family loves me sooo much and cares about me sooo much. It’s heart warming for me, and I don’t think I would be able to fully realize this unless I was away from home for a little while, like here on my mission. How very grateful I am to have you all each and every day of my life, whether I’m in California, Mongolia, Pluto, or right next to you, I feel that love you have for me and I see it everyday of my life. I liked what Pres. Eyring said, I think it was Pres. Eyring, I can’t remember fully I need to go back over my book of notes but someone said something along the lines of the love that our families have for us, times that by infinity and that’s how much the Savior loves us, each and everyone of us. Thinking of it like that shows me that the Savior’s love is astronomical and yet….unconditional. It doesn’t matter if you live in a box, a shoe, a mansion, if you’re the Jonas Brothers, William Hung or if you’re Ryan Lawter just waiting for his chance to make it big (which is coming btw, be on the look out for my debut) the Savior will always have the same love for us as He did when we walked with Him in the life before. It’s kind of hard to put in words how much I love each and every one of you and how much I love my Redeemer. He lives. He loves. He is the Shepard of us all and He is our example, He spoke of no evil and He did not touch an unclean thing and He performed the greatest act in history, perfectly, so that we might live again with Him for the space of eternity. He did so much for us and it was all in the act of love, in love for His brothers, in love for His sisters, and in love for His Father. I talk to people everyday on “Coming unto Christ,” but not only should we do that but we should be like Christ, in every way. It’s my prayer that we strive to do this and not only will it strengthen us and our testimonies but strengthen all those around us.
This last week has been excellent! General Conference, no flat tires, and the temp. has been around like the 60’s, it’s been perfect! Reminds me of good ol’ Missouri fall weather! Ees da best! I love it!
Well la familia I hope that you all have a good week and I hope that you are able to feel the love that I have for each of you and love that the Lord has for you! Love you always and am so proud to be your son, grandson, boyfriend, whatever title, I’m proud and so grateful that you’re my family and love me so much! Have a B-E-A-UTIFUL day and have fun!
All my love,