Monday, October 19, 2009

16 Weeks Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here we are again another day another dolla,
“Gooood Mornin and if I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, good night.”
Someone e-mail the name of that movie and I’ll e-mail you a good job back. So how’s it going? Chiefs won that’s good news, a member was telling me about the game at dinner last night, it’s about time is all I’ve gotta say, can I get an Amen on that? But even sweeter is hearing about Grandma and Grandpa’s mission call! 3 Lawter’s in the mission field, that’s so cool. I think senior couple missionaries are sooo neat; they’re all soo nice and soft-hearted, a perfect job for Grandma and Grandpa. Do you know what they’ll be doing? Will they be in the office? At the temple? Visitors Center? What? What? I’m intrigued! Things are going really good here! Spanish kicks my butt, but before too long I’ll build up some calluses and start getting fluent. It’s difficult but no one said it was going to be easy, they just promised help along the way. It’s hard to learn a new language from 3 books and only 1 hour a day, I’m more of a visual learner but it will be so sweet when I beat the odds and get it down. I think that the Lord’s just preppin me for Dentistry School because my face is going to be tapped to a book 24/7, but just like this Spanish it’s worth it, it’s all worth it. I’ve got the Heart of a Champion, I’m doing it. So speaking of heart of a champion, we have a family that we are teaching and they are the sweetest family; the dad’s name is Jose (big surprise, I think half of our dude investigators are either named Jose or Pedro, that’s no lie either) he’s a really nice guy and he works like 14-15 hours a day, 2 jobs to provide for his family and for his baby, which I’ll get to that in a second. The mom’s name is Adela, she is a really sweet lady, nice as can be, came to church yesterday, even though she wasn’t feeling to good but she felt that she needed to go, then they have a little girl who is soo stinkin cute and funny, she always brings her ponies out when we come over because she always wants a play buddy haha but then they have a new born that’s about 4 months old, which is a miracle in itself. The baby was born with multiple tumors in her head and the doctor said that she was terminal and had maybe a month to live, but now it’s been 4 months later and the baby is still going strong but the family kind of suffers money wise because they are constantly going to the doctor about everyday and that’s why Jose is pulling 2 jobs and multiple shifts. Such a neat family! They always tell us that we inspire them and how grateful they are when we come over but I think it’s them that inspire me more. Just to see their determination and attitude towards the situation that they have been given, is so touching to me. Obviously we’ve been teaching them a lot about families and how the bonds of the family can never be broken even after this life through the blessings of the gospel and of the temple. Every time we go over it’s such a moving experience because they just can’t help but break down and cry each time we tell them that families are together FOREVER. Adela leaves tissues by the couch now because she uses the whole box every time haha but it’s so touching and heart-warming to know that the most important thing to us; our families, are not only ordained of God but they are ordained and meant to last for the space of eternity. I’m so grateful for that blessing and it truly does make everything worth it. I’m grateful for you mom and dad and for the choices you’ve made to make sure that we has a family and my quickly approaching family and so forth are able to be together forever. I love both of you and I’m so grateful and proud to call you my parents. I love both of you and hope that you have a good week. “Don’t worry, be happy” and “Go put your records on”
With all my love,
Your son, and your favorite (I hope),

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