Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Hola! Como estan!?
How's everyone been doin!? Sounds like there's been a lot of things goin on in the world right now specifically with Japan and everything. Of course we haven't seen the news or read the papers but there's been a lot of members and investigators tell us about all that's been going on in Japan and it sounds pretty brutal. We got a call from someone this morning it happened and he told us that we were on tsunami alert so that was pretty crazy cant say ive ever been in a tsunami watch...dont think any tsunamis will be comin off smithville lake anytime soon either.... but our prayers from down here are out to them... I don't know a lot of details but it sounds pretty bad and we've been prayin for all those affected.
So on a lighter side things down here are groovy baby!!! ha guess the worst that we got from the earthquake and everything was some good surfin for the bros so lucky them but everything is goin pretty legit right now! We've got someone that we've been workin with for a little bit who has a date to be baptized for conference weeked acutally so it will be pretty legit but a little background on him is he's 22 right now and it just seems like nothin has been goin right  in his life.... he hasn't had any direction really, he's on stuff that he shouldn't be on and it's been his life for around 8 or so years now so it's kind of hard to help somone change when they've just been stuck in a rut for that long but we found him through a less-active family that we reactivated just a few months ago and he's struggled. He hasn't had a purpose to his life and he's just been kind of wandering about no goals in life no nothing but just recently we've talked with him about the journey that we all find ourselves on a journey that's similar to the one of Moses and the children of Israel. They lived as slaves in poverty in the worse conditions to the Phoroah in Egypt till Moses came and said have faith in the Lord and follow me. So they did...they had faith, left everything all followed this Prophet with out looking back who we now know parted the Red Sea helped the people cross into the new land the promised land or in other words a new life but it still wasnt easy they went to a desert for 40 years being prepared by the Lord and passing their trails and struggles till they finally ended up in Israel and the promised land. And we've told him this that he's in egypt right now and that the gospel is here to take him to the other side...it still won't be easy but when we all get to where were goin it'll sure be worth and he's on that path. So we all find ourselves captive in Egypt sometimes to whatever thing but it's the faith that we need to have to follow our savior into the promised and for sure the better land. May we all find that path, stick to it, and never let go!
Elder Ry Law

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